Reliability Data Handbook

Title: Reliability Data Handbook
Author: T. Robert Moss
ISBN: 0791802337 / 9780791802335
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 432
Publisher: ASME
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock

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The Reliability Data Handbook focuses on the complete process of data collection, analysis and quality control. The subject of reliability data is covered in depth, reflecting the author's considerable experience and expertise in the field.

This book is invaluable for practicing engineers in all industries who are performing quantitative reliability, safety or risk studies.

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Chapter 1 : Fundamentals
Chapter 2 : Basic Concepts
Chapter 3 : Component, Equipment and System Reliability
Chapter 4 : Failure Data and Failure Models
Chapter 5 : Discrete and Continuous Distributions
Chapter 6 : Patterns of Failure
Chapter 7 : Estimating Distribution Parameters
Chapter 8 : Weibull Analysis
Chapter 9 : Repairable Systems
Chapter 10 : Generic Reliability Data Requirements and Data Sources
Chapter 11 : The No-Data Problem
Chapter 12 : Data Collection and its Quality Control
