The Future Manger, 2nd Edition

Title: The Future Manger, 2nd Edition
Author: Satish Khanna
ISBN: 007070404X / 9780070704046
Format: Soft Cover
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock

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  • Dream big : Create a dream team that eats, drinks and breathes the same dream
  • Act together and decisively to convert the common dream into reality and earn a great celebration
  • Get busy again to have yet another and an even bigger dream to create reason for an even more grandeur celebration
  • Continuity of this cycle is what can be called Dreamaction to create future of choice
  • Minds are never empty, but are closed at times, and hopefully this book would open up and ignite some such minds to first conceive and then achieve big dreams through the process of Dreamaction.

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Chapter 1 : Can Money Buy Happiness?
Chapter 2 : Alphabet of Dream Team Philosophy
Chapter 3 : China a Threat or an Opportunity
Chapter 4 : Control Middle Lines to Get Bottom Line
Chapter 5 : Change Management : A Continuous Challenge
Chapter 6 : Bouncing Back from Crisis
Chapter 7 : Managing through Economic Crisis
Chapter 8 : Motherocracy in Entrepreneurs
Chapter 9 : Ethicality and Efficiency of Excellence
Chapter 10 : Value the Value Capital
Chapter 11 : Leadership is to Create Leaders
Chapter 12 : VSOP : Variety, Speciality, Originality and Personality
Chapter 13 : Negotiations through Multiple Tracks
Chapter 14 : Power of Focus
Chapter 15 : Building Lean, Clean, Full of Steam Team
Chapter 16 : Zoom in, Zoom out in Imagination
Chapter 17 : Invisible Spirit to Create Visible Impact
Chapter 18 : Consolidation Unavoidable
Chapter 19 : Connecting Islands of Excellence
Chapter 20 : Competitor also a Teacher
Chapter 21 : Technology and Innovation : A Divya Astra
Chapter 22 : Continuous Relearning
Chapter 23 : Visualize through Unconventional Angle
Chapter 24 : Good Soul is Human Chip
Chapter 25 : Never-give-up Attitude
Chapter 26 : Corporate Culture DNA
Chapter 27 : Mighty Twenty Words
Chapter 28 : Mighty Twenty Initiatives
