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Yasuda gives an in depth analysis of Toyota’s mastery of the employee suggestion program that is easily understood, provides plenty of useful examples and demonstrates the importance that World Class Manufacturers put on employee involvement. This is a must-read book for everyone who wants to initiate or improve their company’s employee suggestion program.
Indeed there are no ‘magic formulas’ to use in bringing successful suggestion systems into an organization, but the true successes and pitfalls of the Japanese systems mentioned in 40 Years, 20 Million Ideas gives insight on where to get started. Yasuda brings to light what LOF has found to be true in its successful suggestion process and that is, ‘people are the single most valuable resource in an organization.’ Anyone starting an employee suggestion system or anyone trying to revitalize an existing employee suggestion system can get some valuable insight from this book.
Toyota’s reputation for quality, low cost and production competence is unparalleled. Toyota has achieved this reputation through continuous improvement continuous efforts to involve and listen to their employees. 40 Years, 20 Million Ideas reveals a significant component of their success. Every manager would do well to study their methods of systematic improvement.