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Achieving a Leadership Role for Training explains how training can stay competitive by applying the same quality standards, criteria, and principles that other organizations must now apply to stay in business. In fact, the authors argue, training must consider itself as a business.
Their prescription encompasses the use of two proven and pervasive quality guideposts: the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria and the ISO 9000 standards. The Baldrige criteria provide a comprehensive framework to deploy quality principles, and ISO Comprises standards for the reliability with which an organization must meet customer expectations. Achieving a Leadership Role for Training also explores the benefits of training certification, outlining the International Board of Standards for Tranining Performance, and Instruction (ibstpi) certification standards, which incorporate Baldrige and ISO Concepts.
The Baldrige criteria and ISO standards elevate the role of training in the organization. Baldrige indicates that training is a critical element in any ongoing quality improvement initiative, and ISO insists on documented evidence that all staff are adequately training to do their jobs.