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How can you change the attitudes of twice-burned executives who have become disdainful of employees and now display openly a lack of appreciation and a general sense of mistrust? How do you teach people to deal with difficult employees or managers who have irritating or destructive behavior patterns? What can be done when problems brought about by diversity in the workplace threaten the cohesiveness and morale of a department or team? Designed for trainers and consultants with advanced facilitation skills, this innovative collection of activities focuses on changing hidden attitudes, assumptions, and vallues that individuals and groups within an organization seldom even acknowledge, much less openly explore--attitudes that, when allowed to fester below the surface, can even the most successul companies.
The book provides trainers with all the tools needed to confront even the most potentially explosive issues in ways that win management and employee trust, confidence, and even enthusiasms. That's because the activities in this collection are also stimulating, provocative, and sophisticated--leading to a free and healthy interchange of feelings, opinions, and ideas. Included are:
- advanced team-building activities;
- conflict resolution activities that help heal old wounds;
- sophisticated icebreakers that overcome people's natural resistance to self-disclosure;
- exercises that foster empathy in majority groups towards minority populations;
- department or organization-wide interventions that help change unprodouctive or negative values;
- exercises that diagnose and fix team conflicts;
- activities that restore lost confidence in a leader or employee;
- exercises that helporganizations in transition avoid slipping back into bad habits;
- and much more!