Tab Article
Reviews the most important developments in aerosol gas filtration over the last 15 years
Contains a biography of aerosol science pioneer, N.A. Fuchs, to whom the book is also dedicated
Explains the history of dust and aerosol filtration and how it has evolved as a science
Includes contributions from distinguished aerosol and filtration scientists from Europe, the U.S., and Japan
Aerosols are generally associated with damaging effects to the ozone and human health, however, some aerosols enable productions of very clean, highly dispersed materials. Advances in Aerosol Filtration is dedicated to progress in aerosol science, presenting newly developed theories, filtration models, and novel applications of aerosol gas filtration. Topics include new filtration materials, filter testing methods, electrically enhanced filtration, mechanical and chemical filter resistivity, computational models, and much more. This book examines the history and development of aerosol filtration science and also considers research needs for the future.