Applying ISA-88 in Discrete and Continuous Manufacturing

Title: Applying ISA-88 in Discrete and Continuous Manufacturing
Author: WBF
ISBN: 160650200X / 9781606502006
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 220
Publisher: Momentum Press
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

This covers the extension of ISA-88 principles to procedural control in non-batch applications and how they have been used in real industrial practice. ISA-88 was created in 1988 by the ISA (International Society for Automation) Standards and Practices Board.

The World Batch Forum (now called the WBF) was subsequently formed to help more widely disseminate this and other similar process control standards. WBF provides a forum for control experts to present and share their knowledge. The seventeen chapters in this volume were chosen from many papers presented at conferences since 2003. Readers will find guidance and valuable information in chapters such as

  • ISA-88 Isn’t Just for Batches Anymore
  • Taking ISA-88 Concepts to the Next Level
  • Experiences from Implementing a Single Control System Solution Using ISA-88
  • Using ISA-88 Techniques to Manage and Control Continuous Processes
  • Definition and Format of Recipes for the Packaging of Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Equipment Process Statecharts for Hybrid Manufacturing
  • Power Programming, ISA-88, and Packaging: Some of the Lessons Learned
  • Procedural Control and Exception Handling

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List of Figures
List of Tables
WBF Foreword
Foreword by Walt Boyes
Introduction : ISA-88 Concepts Applied toManufacturing Techniques Other Than Batch

Chapter 1 : ISA-88 Isn’t Just for Batches Anymore
Chapter 2 : Applying ISA-88 to Non-stop Production
Chapter 3 : Non-stop 88 Delivers Improved Operational Excellence
Chapter 4 : Taking ISA-88 Concepts to the Next Level
Chapter 5 : Experiences from Implementing a Single Control System Solution Using ISA-88
Chapter 6 : Using ISA-88 Batch Techniques to Manage and Control Continuous Processes
Chapter 7 : Using ISA-88 to Automate Procedures at Continuous Processing Facilities
Chapter 8 : Use of ISA-88 Techniques in Semi-continuous Applications
Chapter 9 : Integrating Quality and Process Informationin a Batch Context for Semi-continuous Processes
Chapter 10 : Defination and Format of Recipes for the Packaging of Consumer Packaged Goods
Chapter 11 : Equipment Process State charts for Hybrid Manufacturing
Chapter 12 : Process Meets Discrete: Coupling of Batch Control to OMAC and to Real Packaging Lines
Chapter 13 : An Often Overlooked Aspect of Manufacturingand Packaging Systems Integration
Chapter 14 : Power Programming, ISA-88, and Packaging : Some of the Lessons Learned
Chapter 15 : Using ISA-88 to Define a Compliant Packaging Environment
Chapter 16 : Software Modularity : A Powerful Tool for Packaging Automation
Chapter 17 : Procedural Control and Exception Handling
