Automation Made Easy : Everything You Wanted to Know about Automation-and Need to Ask

Title: Automation Made Easy : Everything You Wanted to Know about Automation-and Need to Ask
Author: Gregory Hale, Peter G. Martin
ISBN: 1936007061 / 9781936007066
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 234
Publisher: ISA
Year: 2010
Availability: Out of Stock

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After a quick glance at the plant floor, it is very easy to see the industrial automation industry interoperates with other functions within the enterprise. Trying to keep up with changing technologies, however, is never easy and the industrial automation environment is no exception. Whether you are a student just starting out or are a top-level executive or manager well-versed in one domain, but have limited knowledge of the industrial automation industry, it’s easy to find yourself adrift in this evolving industry. That is where this easy-to-read book comes in; it provides a basic functional understanding in the field of industrial automation.

In an effort to understand this industry, the authors break down the barriers and confusion surrounding the technical details and terminology used in this converging field. They provide an introductory-level approach, covering most of the major industrial automation topics, such as distributed control systems (DCSs), programmable logic controllers (PLCs), manufacturing execution systems (MESs), and so on. You may even learn a recipe or two. This book is ideal for executives, business managers, information technologists, accountants, maintenance professionals, operators, production planners, just to name a few, and provides an in-depth but easy overview for people new to the field who want to quickly educate themselves.

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About the Authors

Chapter 1 : Manufacturing and Production Processes : The Raw Facts
Chapter 2 : Control of Discrete Processes
Chapter 3 : Control of Continuous Processes : Stay In the Loop
Chapter 4 : Process Control Systems : A Theory of Evolution
Chapter 5 : Control of Batch Processes : Let Them Eat Cake
Chapter 6 : Advanced Process Control : Beauty Beats the Beast
Chapter 7 : Optimization : Math Gone Wild
Chapter 8 : Simulation and Modeling : A Look Before You Leap
Chapter 9 : Safety Management Systems : Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 10 : Automation System Security : Checkmate
Chapter 11 : SCADA Systems : Beyond Four Walls
Chapter 12 : Quality Management : A Tale of Two Processes
Chapter 13 : Asset Management : Maintenance Management : Coming of Age
Chapter 14 : Human-Machine Interfacing : SCADA Software : Breaking Away from a DCS
Chapter 15 : Manufacturing Execution Systems : Two Becoming One
Chapter 16 : Enterprise Resource Planning : Business Software on Top of Automation
Chapter 17 : Automation System Integration : Enabling the Right Solution
Chapter 18 : Business Measurement and Intelligence Systems : Real-Time Knowledge
Chapter 19 : Operations Business Excellence : A New Frontier
Chapter 20 : Enterprise Control Systems : Grabbing the Technology Edge
Chapter 21 : The Bottom Line : Automation’s Business Impact

Glossary of Terms