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For the eighth consecutive year, Baldrige Award Winning Quality continues to be the definitive reference for interpreting the Baldrige criteria. It is the only book on the Baldrige criteria to detail, in simple and straightforward language, every category, examination item, and area to address.
Updated annually, the book provides you with the best understanding of these exhaustive criteria. Written in an easy-to-understand format by one of the best-known authorities on the Baldrige criteria - Mark Graham Brown - it is the most used and recognized reference in the field. The book illustrates the key relationships that exist among the criteria and details how the scoring scale operates, both critical aspects of coordinating and writing a Baldrige Award application.
In addition to complete coverage of all 1998 changes to the criteria, the new edition includes a new chapter - preparing for a site visit. This chapter provides a clear and concise explanation on how to prepare for a site visit from the board of examiners. It details each facet of the site visit, its purpose, what a Baldrige examiner looks for, and the questions typically asked during the visit.