CQI-17 : Special Process: Electronic Assembly Manufacturing-Soldering, 2nd Edition (Hardcopy with Downloadable Assessment)

Title: CQI-17 : Special Process: Electronic Assembly Manufacturing-Soldering, 2nd Edition (Hardcopy with Downloadable Assessment)
Author: AIAG
ISBN: 1605344796 / 9781605344799
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 106
Publisher: AIAG
Year: 2021
Availability: 15-30 days

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The goal of the 2nd edition CQI-17 Special Process: Electronic Assembly Manufacturing - Soldering System Assessment (EAM-SSA) is the development of a soldering management system that provides for continual improvement - emphasizing process control, proactive defect prevention, and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. These soldering requirements are complementary to customer and product standards and intended to provide a common approach to a soldering management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Tab Article

About AIAG

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Scope
Chpater 3 : Instructions for Completing Soldering System Assessment

Appendix A : Glossary