Corrosion & Scale Handbook

Title: Corrosion & Scale Handbook
Author: J.R. Becker
ISBN: 0878147497 / 9780878147496
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 329
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 1998
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Corrosion and scale in crude oil systems are two of the most costly problems facing oil companies, which go to great expense to effectively control the problems. Corrodible surfaces are found throughout production, transport, and refining equipment. Therefore, the protection of this equipment is critical to the profitability and successful operation of these companies. While scale control ranks lower in importance, its presence is also costly in terms of equipment damage. This book provides understanding of these processes, their impact on petroleum companies, and potential solutions and inhibitors.

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Figure and Table Captions

Chapter 1 : Petroleum-Related Corrosion and Scale
Chapter 2 : An Overview of Petroleum and Scale
Chapter 3 : An Overview Petroleum Fluids & Corrosion
Chapter 4 : The Petroleum Industry and Mild Steel
Chapter 5 : Petroleum Fluid Scale Growth and Inhibition
Chapter 6 : Solid-Solid Surfaces
Chapter 7 : A Closer Look at Petroleum Fluids and Scale
Chapter 8 : A Closer Look at petroleum Fluids and Corrosion
Chapter 9 : Electrochemical Effects on Scale
Chapter 10 : The Special Case of Hydrogen
Chapter 11 : Corrosion and Scale Forms
Chapter 12 : Electrochemical Behavior of Petroleum Fluids
Chapter 13 : Corrosion Inhibition
Chapter 14 : Phase Behavior of Corrosion Chemicals
Chapter 15 : Phase Behavior of Scale Chemicals
Chapter 16 : Petroleum Fluids Corrosion and Scale Testing
Chapter 17 : Synthetic Routes to Some Scale and Corrosion Chemicals
Chapter 18 : Corrosion and scale Inhibitors and Native Petroleum Surfactants
Chapter 19 : Crude Oil Production/Refining Corrosion and Scale Problems
