Design Patterns for Flexible Manufacturing

Title: Design Patterns for Flexible Manufacturing
Author: Dennis Brandl
ISBN: 1556179987 / 9781556179983
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 205
Publisher: ISA
Year: 2006
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

This handy resource defines an effective set of design patterns and rules you should know when applying the widely used ISA-88 industry standards to batch manufacturing (called the S88 design pattern) and continuous and discrete manufacturing (called the NS88 design pattern for non-stop production). The author, who is the former chair of the ISA-SP88 committee, developed these patterns and subsequent rules while applying the batch series in several projects. This book clearly identifies what elements are defined in the batch series and what elements make up the S88 and NS88 design patterns for flexible manufacturing. The book defines design patterns for control system programming, providing patterns for the organization of programmable logic controller (PLC), digital control system (DCS), and other control system application code. Whether you are in a batch, continuous, or discrete manufacturing environment, these design patterns can be applied to a wide range of production systems, making systems easier to design and implement.

Tab Article

List of Figures
List of Tables
About the Author

Chapter 1 : Manufacturing Control
Chapter 2 : Design Patterns
Chapter 3 : Recipe/Equipment Separation
Chapter 4 : Master and Control Recipe Procedures
Chapter 5 : S88 Pattern for Automated Equipment
Chapter 6 : Patterns for Manual Operations
Chapter 7 : Nonstop Production
Chapter 8 : Continuous Production Processes
Chapter 9 : Splitting and Merging Batches
Chapter 10 : Summary
