Disturbed Soil Properties and Geotechnical Design

Title: Disturbed Soil Properties and Geotechnical Design
Author: A. Schofield
ISBN: 0727729829 / 9780727729828
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 219
Publisher: ICE Publishing
Year: 2005
Availability: Out of Stock

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Andrew Schofield deserves to be regarded as one of the geniuses of soil mechanics of the latter half of the 20th century Professor Mark F. Randolph, The University of Western Australia, Perth

This book describes the developments leading to the Original Cam Clay model, focusing on fundamentals of the shearing of soil. The aim is to lay the groundwork of understanding that should form the basis of geotechnical design, guiding engineers towards the class of behaviour to be expected under different combinations of effective stress and water content.

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Chapter 1 : Slip Plane Properties
Chapter 2 : Interlocking, Critical States (CS) and Liquefaction
Chapter 3 : Soil Classification and Strength
Chapter 4 : Limiting Stress States and CS
Chapter 5 : Plasticity and Original Cam Clay (OCC)
Chapter 6 : Geotechnical Plastic Design
