Ecological Economics, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Ecological Economics, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Clive Spash
ISBN: 041543145X / 9780415431453
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 2080
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

Edited by a leading scholar in the field, this new four-volume Routledge Major Work brings together canonical and cutting-edge research in ecological economics. In tracing both the development of thought in the field, as well as exploring the most recent scholarship, diverse elements of the rapidly expanding literature are brought together for the first time, providing an overview of—and vision for—ecological economics.

While the roots of ecological economics can be traced back to the late 1800s the modern movement developed from diverse writings in the following century. The field became fully established and institutionalized in the late 1980s. This collection shows how research questioning the basis of mainstream economics combined with a concern for environmental degradation and limits to growth to produce ecological economics. There are also many academics who, while not calling themselves ecological economists, have ideas which are directly of relevance. The common interest, as shown especially in Parts 1–3 of the collection, has been to move beyond standard economic approaches and towards a new political economy which takes note of learning in other sciences.

Besides identifying and collecting seminal works, the editor has also chosen pieces for their ability cogently to summarize and explain developments and ongoing thinking. Ecological economics is now a vibrant and dynamic field, but it has to date lacked a coherent guide to its rapidly expanding literature. Aided by the collection’s thematic organization and the editor’s newly written general and volume introductions, this Routledge Major Work will enable users to make sense of the wide range of approaches, theories, and concepts that have informed research in ecological economics to date. It is an essential collection destined to be valued as a vital research resource by all scholars and students of the subject.

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Volume I : Foundations

Part 1 : The Development of Ecological Economics
Chapter 1 : Ecological Economics: Taking Nature into Account’, The Environmentalism of The Poor: A Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation
Chapter 2 : The Development of Environmental Thinking in Economics’, Environmental Values, 1999

Part 2 : Beyond Standard Economic Theory

Chapter 3 : Toward a New Science of Political Economy’, The Social Costs of Business Enterprise, 3rd Edition
Chapter 4 : Methods in Economic Science’, Journal of Economic Issues, 1979
Chapter 5 : Economics as Mechanics and The Demise of Biological Diversity’, Ecological Modelling, 1987
Chapter 6 : Development and Human Needs’, in P : Ekins and M : Max-Neef (eds.), Real-Life Economics: Understanding Wealth Creation
Chapter 7 : Beyond Homo Economicus: Evidence from Experimental Economics’, Ecological Economics, 2000
Chapter 8 : The Social Contingency of Wants’, Land Economics, 2000
Chapter 9 : The Moral Re-entry’, Social Limits to Growth
Chapter 10 : The Approach of Ecological Economics’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2005

Part 3 : Connecting Economics with Biology and Ecology
Chapter 11 : The Suppression of Evolutionary Approaches in Economics: The Case of Marshall and Monopolistic Competition’, Methodus, 1991
Chapter 12 : On Economics as a Life Science’, Journal of Political Economy, 1968
Chapter 13 : Bio-economics: Social Economy Versus The Chicago School’, International Journal of Social Economics, 1987
Chapter 14 : Evolutionary Biology, Technological Change and Economic History’, Bulletin of Economic Research, 1991
Chapter 15 : Why The Problem of Reductionism in Biology has Implications for Economics’, World Futures, 1993

Part 4 : Thermodynamics, Entropy, and Economics
Chapter 16 : Persepctive’, Economics and The Environment: A Materials Balance Approach
Chapter 17 : Energy and Economic Myths’, SouThern Economic Journal, 1975
Chapter 18 : Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen: Entropy The Measure of Economic Man’, Science, 1975
Chapter 19 : The Steady State and Ecological Salvation: A Thermodynamic Analysis’, BioScience, 1977
Chapter 20 : Steady State and Thermodynamics’, BioScience, 1977
Chapter 21 : Steady State and Thermodynamics: Author’s Reply’, BioScience, 1977
Chapter 22 : Eco-Thermodynamics: Economics and The Second Law’, Ecological Economics, 26, 1998,
Chapter 23 : Accounting for Growth: The Role of Physical Work’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2005

Volume II : Sustaining Well-Being

Part 5 : Economic Growth, Sustainability, and The Environment
Chapter 24 : Impact of Population Growth’, Science, 1971
Chapter 25 : The Steady-State Economy: Alternative to Growthmania’, Steady-State Economics
Chapter 26 :
Poverty and Progress Revisited), Economics Growth and Sustainable Environments
Chapter 27 : Coevolutionary Development Potential’, Land Economics, 1984
Chapter 28 : Socio-ecological Regime Transitions in Austria and The United Kingdom’, Ecological Economics, 2008
Chapter 29 : Developments in The Throughput-Income Relationship: Theoretical and Empirical Observations’, Ecological Economics, 1997
Chapter 30 : Economic Growth and Quality of Life: A Threshold HypoThesis’, Ecological Economics, 1995
Chapter 31 : Political Perception and Ensemble of Macro Objectives and Measures: The Paradox of The Index for Sustainable Economic Welfare’, Environmental Values, 2007
Chapter 32 : ISEW: The "Debunking" Interpretation and The Person-in-Community Paradox: Comment on Rafael Ziegler’, Environmental Values, 2007
Chapter 33 : Will Raising The Incomes for all Increase The Happiness for All?’, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1995
Chapter 34 : Explaining Happiness’, Proceedings of The National Academy of The Sciences, 2003
Chapter 35 : Redefining The Good Life in a Sustainable Society’, Environmental Values, 1993
Chapter 36 : Citizenship, Well-being and Sustainability: Epicurus or Aristotle?’, Analyse & Kritik, 2006
Chapter 37 : Substitutability: Or, Why Strong Sustainability is Weak and Absurdly Strong Sustainability is Not Absurd, Valuing Nature? Economics, Ethics and The Environment
Chapter 38 : Sustainable Development in a Post-Bruntland World’, Ecological Economics, 2006

Part 6 : The Consumer Society
Chapter 39 : The Moral Aspect of Consumption’, International Journal of Ethics, 1899
Chapter 40 : The Social Costs of Cutthroat Competition, Planned Obsolescence and Sales Promotion’, The Social Costs of Private Enterprise
Chapter 41 : The Myth of Consumers’ Sovereignty’, Growth: The Price We Pay
Chapter 42 : The Revised Sequence’ [1967], The New Industrial State, 4th Edition
Chapter 43 : The Ambiguity of Economic Output’, Social Limits to Growth
Chapter 44 : The Dynamics of Willingness to Consume’, Ecological Economics, 1999

Part 7 : Concern for Future Generations
Chapter 45 : The Futurity Problem’, in R : I : Sikora and B : Barry (eds.), Obligations to Future Generations
Chapter 46 : Sustainability as Opportunity’, Land Economics, 1997
Chapter 47 : Economics, Ethics and Future Generations’, Greenhouse Economics: Value and Ethics
Chapter 48 : Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability’, Searching for Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Essays in The Philosophy of Conservation
Chapter 49 : Obligations of Justice Towards Future Generations: A Revolution in Social and Legal Thought’, in E : Agius et al., Future Generations & International Law

Volume III : Environmental Values

Part 8 : The Environmental Valuation Problem

Chapter 50 : The Nature and Significance of Social Costs’, The Social Costs of Business Enterprise, 3rd Edition
Chapter 51 : Some Problems with Environmental Economics’, Environmental Ethics, 1988
Chapter 52 : Environmental Valuation: Some Problems of Wrong Questions and Misleading Answers’, Environmental Values, 1994
Chapter 53 : FurTher Problems with Neoclassical Environmental Economics’, Environmental Ethics, 1994
Chapter 54 : Ecosystems, Contingent Valuation and Ethics: The Case of Wetlands Re-creation’, Ecological Economics, 2000
Chapter 55 : Incommensurability and Monetary Valuation’, Land Economics, 2006
Chapter 56 : Choices without Prices Without Apologies’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1994
Chapter 57 : Are Choices Tradeoffs?, Economics, Ethics and Environmental Policy: Contested Choices

Part 9 : Lessons in Valuation for Ecological Economics

Chapter 58 : Conceptions of Value in Environmental Decision-Making’, Environmental Values, 2000
Chapter 59 : The Worth of a Songbird: Ecological Economics as a Post-Normal Science’, Ecological Economics, 1994
Chapter 60 : Weak Comparability of Values as a Foundation for Ecological Economics’, Ecological Economics, 1998
Chapter 61 : Ecology and Valuation: Big Changes Needed’, Ecological Economics, 2007

Part 10 : Environmental Ethics
Chapter 62 : The Land Ethic’, A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There
Chapter 63 : Is There a Need for a New, an Environmental, Ethic?’, Philosophy and Science: Morality and Culture: Technology and Man
Chapter 64 : Ecophilosophy and Science’, The Environmentalist, 1994
Chapter 65 : The Shallow and The Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement: Summary’, Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 1973
Chapter 66 : A Defence of The Deep Ecology Movement’, Environmental Ethics, 1984
Chapter 67 : The Metaphysical Implications of Ecology’, Environmental Ethics, 1986
Chapter 68 : On Being Morally Considerable’, Journal of Philosophy, 1978
Chapter 69 : Feminism, Deep Ecology, and Environmental Ethics’, Environmental Ethics, 1987
Chapter 70 : Freud, Wollstonecraft, and Ecofeminism: A Defense of Liberal Feminism’, Environmental Ethics, 1994
Chapter 71 : Moral Pluralism and The Course of Environmental Ethics’, Environmental Ethics, 1988
Chapter 72 : Moral Pluralism and The Environment’, Environmental Values, 1992
Chapter 73 : The Varieties of Intrinsic Value’, The Monist, 1992
Chapter 74 : Why Environmental Ethics Shouldn’t Give up on Intrinsic Value’, Environmental Ethics, 2007
Chapter 75 : An Inquiry Concerning The Acceptance of Intrinsic Value Theories of Nature’, Environmental Values, 2007
Chapter 76 : Tasteless: Towards a Food-Based Approach to Death’, Environmental Values, 2008

Volume IV : Policy Problems and Approaches

Part 11 : Policy Analysis
Chapter 77 : The Ideology of Efficiency: Searching for a Theory of Policy Analysis’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1990

Part 12 : Learning from Ecosystems: Constraints and Management

Chapter 78 : Revisiting Carrying-Capacity: Area-Based Indicators of Sustainability’, Population and Environment, 1996
Chapter 79 : The Resilience of Terrestrial Ecosystems: Local Surprise and Global Change’, in W : C : Clark and R : E : Munn (eds.), Sustainable Development of The Biosphere
Chapter 80 : Large-Scale Management Experiments and Learning by Doing’, Ecology, 1990
Chapter 81 : Uncertainty, Resource Exploitation, and Conservation: Lessons from History’, Science, 1993
Chapter 82 : An Ecosystem Approach for Sustainability: Addressing The Challenge of Complexity’, Futures, 1999

Part 13 : Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Ignorance

Chapter 83 : A Safe Minimum Standard as an Objective of Conservation Policy’, Resource Conservation: Economics and Policies
Chapter 84 : Endangered Species and Uncertainty: The Economics of a Safe Minimum Standard’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1978
Chapter 85 : Neglected Features of The Safe Minimum Standard: Socio-Economic and Institutional Dimensions’, Review of Social Economy, 2001
Chapter 86 : Uncertainty and Environmental Learning: Reconceiving Science and Policy in The Preventive Paradigm’, Global Environmental Change
Chapter 87 : Human Kind and The Environment: An Anatomy of Surprise and Ignorance’, Environmental Values, 1992
Chapter 88 : Science for The Post-Normal Age’, Futures, 1993
Chapter 89 : Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Measures of Uncertainty in Model-Based Environmental Assessment: The NUSAP System’, Risk Analysis, 2005,
Chapter 90 : A Novel Approach to The Appraisal of Technological Risk: A Multi-Criteria Mapping Study of a Genetically Modified Crop’, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 2001

Part 14 : Group Norms, Values, and Motivation
Chapter 91 : Fairness and Retaliation in a Rural Nigerian Village’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2003
Chapter 92 : The Cost of Price Incentives: An Empirical Analysis of Motivation Crowding-Out’, American Economic Review, 1997
Chapter 93 : Exchange Relationships and The Environment: The Acceptability of Compensation in The Siting of Waste Disposal Facilities’, Environmental Values, 2007

Part 15 : Participation, Representation, and Deliberation
Chapter 94 : Ecology and Discursive Democracy: Beyond Liberal Capitalism and The Administrative State’, Capitalism, Nature and Socialism, 1992
Chapter 95 : Participatory Exclusions, Community Forestry and Gender: An Analysis for South Asia and a Conceptual Framework’, World Development, 2001
Chapter 96 : Representing People, Representing Nature, Representing The World’, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 2001
Chapter 97 : Participatory Methods for Water Resource Planning’, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 2006
Chapter 98 : Citizens’ Juries and Valuing The Environment: A Proposal’, Environmental Politics, 1999
Chapter 99 : Deliberative Monetary Valuation and The Evidence for a New Value Theory’, Land Economics, 2008