Effective Safety and Health Training

Title: Effective Safety and Health Training
Author: Barbara M. Hilyer, D. Alan Veasey, Kenneth W. Oldfield, Lisa Craft McCormick
ISBN: 1566703964 / 9781566703963
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 344
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2000
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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Is it possible to develop a fun and effective training program? Most workers view attending a training session as they do going to the dentist, which leaves trainers feeling very unappreciated and frustrated. Effective Safety and Health Training can turn trainers into Santa Claus - everyone will look forward to their visits. The presents they bring: interesting topics and trainee involving methods, wrapped in respect for workers and a consideration for their needs.
Hilyer takes you from ground zero through the process of planning, preparing, delivering and evaluating an adult training session of from one to one hundred hours. She teaches you how to motivate your trainees. They will understand and retain the information, enjoy the course, and apply the learning to their work and their lives.

Effective Safety and Health Training provides the educational theory and the practical guidelines to train effectively and enjoyably. A nuts-and-bolts book, it takes you through the development and delivery of effective safety and health training programs. Best of all, your trainees will have fun!

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Identifying training needs Determining the goals of each block of training
Writing specific, measurable outcome-oriented learning objectives
Selecting training methods that best suit the trainees, the instructor, and the material
Using lesson plans to stay out of trouble, making lesson plans for different situations
Setting up conditions that enhance trainees' comfort and ability to learn
Evaluating training from the perspective of the trainee, trainer, supervisor, technical experts, and the bottom line
Developing easy-to-read materials
Designing participatory training activities, with numerous examples
Promoting and assessing behavior after training
Dealing with resistant trainees and problem personalities

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Design and Development of Training
Chapter 3 : Human Behavior and the Health and Safety Trainer
Chapter 4 : Training Materials
Chapter 5 : The Adult Learner : Characteristics and Methods
Chapter 6 : Training Over the Generation Gap
Chapter 7 : Participatory Training : Designing Activities and Workshops
Chapter 8 : Building Hands-on Training Devices
Chapter 9 : Using Computers in Training
Chapter 10 : Evaluating Training
Chapter 11 : Trainers : Born or Made?
Chapter 12 : Training Program Support
Chapter 13 : Activities for Training Trainers
Chapter 14 : The Case for Peer Training
Chapter 15 : Venturing off the Map
