Electrical Safety and the Law, 5th Edition

Title: Electrical Safety and the Law, 5th Edition
Author: John M Madden
ISBN: 1138670502 / 9781138670501
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 388
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2017
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Electrical Safety and the Law describes the hazards and risks from the use of electricity, explaining with the help of case studies and accident statistics the types of accidents that occur and how they can be prevented by the use of safe installations, equipment and working practices. It describes the British legislation on the safety of electrical systems and electrotechnical machinery control systems, much of which stems from European Directives and which will therefore be affected by the UK’s decision to leave the EU (Brexit), and the main standards and guidance that can be used to secure compliance with the law. There are detailed descriptions covering the risks and preventive measures associated with electrical installations, construction sites, work near underground cables and overhead power lines, electrical equipment and installations in explosive atmospheres, electrical testing and electrotechnical control systems. Duty holders’ responsibilities for designing, installing, and maintaining safe systems are explained, as well as their responsibilities for employing competent staff.

The fifth edition has been substantially updated to take account of considerable changes to the law, standards and guidance; it has been expanded to include:

  • a new chapter on the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act;
  • a new chapter describing landlords’ legal responsibilities for electrical safety in private rented properties and social housing;
  • a new chapter on the Electricity Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations;
  • new information on offences, penalties, sentencing guidelines, and relevant case law;
  • a description of the main requirements of BS 7671:2008 and other principal standards, many of which have been amended in recent years;
  • new cases studies to illustrate the hazards and risks;
  • information on changes to GB’s health and safety system.

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List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 : The Hazards and Risks from Electricity
Chapter 2 : Electrical Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences
Chapter 3 : Principal Safety Precautions
Chapter 4 : The Legislative Framework
Chapter 5 : The Health and safety at Work etc Act 1974
Chapter 6 : The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Chapter 7 : The Electricity Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002
Chapter 8 : European-derived Law with Electrical and Electrotechnical Control System Safety Requirements
Chapter 9 : Other Legislation with an Electrical Safety Content
Chapter 10 : The Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Legislation Act 2007
Chapter 11 : Standards and Guidance
Chapter 12 : BS 7671:2001 Requirements for Electrical Installations – IEE WiringRegulations 16th Edition
Chapter 13 : Construction Sites
Chapter 14 : Underground Cables and Overhead Lines
Chapter 15 : Electrical Equipment in Flammable and Explosive Atmospheres
Chapter 16 : Tests and Testing
Chapter 17 : Safety-related Electrotechnical Control Systems
Chapter 18 : Maintenance
Chapter 19 : Competence
Chapter 20 : Electrical Safety in the Rented Property Sector
