Futures Markets : Theory and Practice

Title: Futures Markets : Theory and Practice
Author: Sunil K. Parameswaran
ISBN: 0070599122 / 9780070599123
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 345
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2010
Availability: Out of Stock

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Future Markets: Theory and Practice is the first of the two books written by the on Futures, Options and Swaps, and covers forward and futures contracts. The second book would cover options and swaps.

It begins with an introduction to derivative markets, comparing and contrasting forward contracts, futures contracts and options contracts. Chapter 2 looks at the salient features of the operation of futures markets, and the design of futures contracts. Chapter 3 covers the pricing of forward and futures contracts in detail, while Chapter 4 is devoted exclusively to hedging and risk management.

Chapter 5 to 8 cover various asset markets. Chapter 5 details short-term interest rate contracts, Chapter 6 explains long-term interest rate contracts, while Chapter 7 and 8 covers foreign exchange and stock index futures contracts respectively. In each of these chapters, the mechanics of the underlying spot markets and the prevailing conventions have been covered in detail, and the related mathematical expressions derived from first principles.

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Rights & Permissions

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Fundamentals of Futures Markets
Chapter 3 : Pricing of Futures Contracts
Chapter 4 : Hedging
Chapter 5 : Short-Term Interest Rate Futures
Chapter 6 : Long-Term Interest Rate Futures
Chapter 7 : Foreign Exchange Futures
Chapter 8 : Stock Index Futures

Solutions to Concept Check Questions
Solutions to End-of-Chapter Problems