Guide to Electric Load Management

Title: Guide to Electric Load Management
Author: Anthony J. Pansini, Kenneth D. Smalling
ISBN: 0878147292 / 9780878147298
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 196
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 1998
Availability: In Stock

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The electric utility industry is coping with significant changes brought on by deregulation, industry restructuring, consumer choice, and increasing costs of net generation capacity. The advent of independent power producers and access to transmission systems owned and operated by utilities adds complexity to these issues. A primary concern is matching consumer loads with capacity to supply energy in an economical and reliable manner. In recent years, net generating capacity has declined 40% while net energy consumption has increased by more than 50%. Without new generating capacity being added to match load growth, other means have to be developed to reduce peak demands in order to maintain an adequate ratio between capacity and demand. An important technology to facilitate this is electric load management — managing consumer loads, and ultimately system loads, by various strategies and techniques. This book provides a general knowledge of demand control and energy conservation generically referred to as electric load management.

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Chapter 1 : The Problem
Chapter 2 : Components and Relationships of Electric Load Management
Chapter 3 : Consumer Utilization
Chapter 4 : Utility Control
Chapter 5 : Energy Pricing and Demand
Chapter 6 : Electric Load Management and Deregulation
Chapter 7 : The Integrated System

Appendix A : The Electric Utility System
Appendix B : Economic Studies
Appendix C : Meter Reading
Appendix D : Electric Utility Organization and Operation
Appendix E : Electric Power Glossary