Handbook of Expert Systems in Manufacturing

Title: Handbook of Expert Systems in Manufacturing
Author: Jessica Keyes, Rex Maus
ISBN: 0070409846 / 9780070409842
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 583
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 1991
Availability: In Stock

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Reliable estimates indicate that at least 90 percent of the world's Fortune 1000 companies are investing in artificial intelligence/expert systems to boost manufacturing efficience and create competitive advantage. From this highly informative handbook you'll learn how many of these organizations put expert systems on line. Systems experts from such companies as Campbell Soup, Ford Motor, IBM, ConEdison, Bell Labs, LTV Missiles and Electronics, and Lubrizol offer detailed, first-hand accounts of the how's and why's of system development, the advantages and disadvantages of various implementation techniques and strategies, and the return on investment achieved.

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Section 1 : Introduction to Expert Systems
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Expert Systems
Chapter 2 : Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems : A Technological Primer
Chapter 3 : Some Facts About Expert Systems
Chapter 4 : Manufacturing Survey

Section 2 : Integration of AI Into Manufacturing
Chapter 5 : Integrating Knowledge-Based Systems in the Manufacturing Environment
Chapter 6 : Data-Based Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems
Chapter 7 : Workstation Integration of Expert Systems, Neural Networks, Image Processing, and Controls

Section 3 : Knowledge Engineering in a Manufacturing Environment
Chapter 8 : Knowledge Acquisition Issues in Manufacturing
Chapter 9 : Organization of Knowledge for an Expert System : The Step Between Acquisition and Representation of Knowledge

Section 4 : Scheduling and Forecasting
Chapter 10 : Knowledge-Based Dynamic Scheduling in a Steel Plant
Chapter 11 : Managing Complexity : Al in Batch Plant Scheduling
Chapter 12 : LA-Z-BOY Implements Manufacturing and Shipping
Chapter 13 : Forecasting Demand for Manufacturing and Deployment
Chapter 14 : CHRONOS : Facilities Management
Chapter 15 : Expert Simulation for On-Line Scheduling

Section 5 : Simulation, Process Modeling, and Resource Allocation
Chapter 16 : Intelligent Simulation : The New Generation of Expert Systems
Chapter 17 : Object-Oriented Knowledge-Based Approach to Process Modeling
Chapter 18 : Randomized Heuristic Search Approach to Cutting Stock Problems

Section 6 : Diagnostics
Chapter 19 : A Fault-Tolerant Neural Network Applied to Nondestructive Inspection
Chapter 20 : Amethyst : Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring
Chapter 21 : KLUE : A Diagnostic Expert System Tool for Manufacturing

Section 7 : Process Control and Planning
Chapter 22 : A Real-Time Expert System in the Area of Energy Management
Chapter 23 : COOKER : What’s Happened Since?
Chapter 24 : CABPRO Case Study
Chapter 25 : Expert System for Automatic Generation of Printed Wiring Assembly Process Plans
Chapter 26 : The USS Blast Furnace Advisor
Chapter 27 : A Hierarchical Planning Knowledge System Applied to Manufacturing Processes

Section 8 : Design
Chapter 28 : Expert Systems for Engineering Design and Manufacturing
Chapter 29 : An Expert System for Designing and Processing Autobody Parts

Section 9 : Quality and Safety
Chapter 30 : Lubrizol Material Safety Data Sheet System
Chapter 31 : An Expert System for Quality Control in Manufacturing
Chapter 32 : Software Architecture to Support Total-Quality Companies

Section 10. : Pricing, Packaging, and Customizing
Chapter 33 : The Quotation Assistant at PMI Food Equipment Group
Chapter 34 : Product Lot Selection Advisor
Chapter 35 : Packaging Advisor™ : An Expert System for Rigid-Plastic Food Package Design
Chapter 36 : Neural Nets for Custom Formulation
Chapter 37 : Expert Systems for Specifying and Pricing : Process and Industrial Gauges

Appendix A : AI Vendors
Appendix B : Trade Groups, Market Research
Appendix C : Consulting
Appendix D : Glossary
Appendix E : Bibliography