Introduction to GIS for the Petroleum Industry

Title: Introduction to GIS for the Petroleum Industry
Author: Dean E. Gaddy
ISBN: 0878148043 / 9780878148042
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 300
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock

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Geographical information systems (GIS) is a powerful tool used in many industries that facilitates the company-wide sharing and analyzing of data. This new book will equip readers with a solid understanding of the core features of GIS and start them down the path of realizing the many benefits GIS has to offer.

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Chapter 1 : An Introduction to GIS
Chapter 2 : Oilfield Examples
Chapter 3 : Spatial Fundamentals
Chapter 4 : Geodesy
Chapter 5 : GIS Projections
Chapter 6 : GPS
Chapter 7 : Remote Sensing
Chapter 8 : The Art of Presentation
