Magical Realism and the Fantastic : Resolved versus Unresolved Antinomy

Title: Magical Realism and the Fantastic : Resolved versus Unresolved Antinomy
Author: Amaryll Beatrice Chanady
ISBN: 0367334313 / 9780367334314
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 198
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2020
Availability: In Stock

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Every reader of literature interprets the literary text on the basis of information they have acquired from previous reading, and according to norms they have established, either consciously or not, with regard to a work of literature. In this study, originally published in 1985, the author clarifies the concepts of magical realism and the fantastic, and establishes a series of guidelines that will allow us to distinguish between the two similar yet independent modes. The reader will thus be able to identify the implicit framework upon which the author of the fantastic and of magical realism bases their text.

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Part 1 :  The Problem of Definition  
Chapter 1 : 
The Fantastic  
Chapter 2 :  Magical Realism  

Part 2 :  The Natural versus The Supernatural  
Chapter 1 : 
The Role of the Implied Reader, Narrator, Focalizer and Implied Author  
Chapter 2 :  The Natural and Supernatural in Magical Realism  
Chapter 3 :  The Natural and Supernatural in Fantastic  

Part 3 :  Two Types of Antinomy  
Chapter 1 :
  The Fantastic  
Chapter 2 :  Magical Realism  

Part 4 :  Authorial Reticence  
Chapter 1 : 
The Fantastic  
Chapter 2 :  Magical Realism
