Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling, 2 Edition

Title: Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling, 2 Edition
Author: Fred E. Meyers, Matthew P. Stephens
ISBN: 013674821X / 9780136748212
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 415
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock

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This project-oriented facilities design and material handling textbook explores the techniques and procedures for developing an efficient facility layout, and introduces some of the state-of-the-art tools involved, such as computer simulation. A “how-to,” systematic, and methodical approach leads students through the collection, analysis and development of information to produce a quality functional plant layout.

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About the Authors

Chapter 1 : Introduction to Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling
Chapter 2 : Sources of Information for Manufacturing Facilities Design
Chapter 3 : Time Study
Chapter 4 : Process Design
Chapter 5 : Flow Analysis Techniques
Chapter 6 : Activity Relationship Analysis
Chapter 7 : Ergonomics and Workstation Design Space Requirement Workstation Design
Chapter 8 : Auxiliary Services Requirement Space
Chapter 9 : Employee Services—Space Requirements
Chapter 10 : Material Handling
Chapter 11 : Material Handling Equipment
Chapter 12 : Office Layout Techniques and Space Requirements
Chapter 13 : Area Allocation
Chapter 14 : Facilities Design—The Layout
Chapter 15 : Application of Computer Simulation and Modeling
Chapter 16 : Selling the Layout
