Mechanics of Fatigue

Title: Mechanics of Fatigue
Author: Vladimir V Bolotin
ISBN: 0849396638 / 9780849396632
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 480
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 1999
Availability: Out of Stock
Special Indian Edition.

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Mechanics of Fatigue addresses the range of topics concerning damage, fatigue, and fracture of engineering materials and structures. The core of this resource builds upon the synthesis of micro- and macro-mechanics of fracture. In micromechanics, both the modeling of mechanical phenomena on the level of material structure and the continuous approach are based on the use of certain internal field parameters characterizing the dispersed micro-damage. This is referred to as continuum damage mechanics.

The author develops his own theory for macromechanics, called analytical fracture mechanics. This term means the system cracked body - loading or loading device - is considered as a mechanical system and the tools of analytical (rational) mechanics are applied thoroughly to describe crack propagation until the final failure.

Chapter discuss:
o preliminary information on fatigue and engineering methods for design of machines and structures against failures caused by fatigue
o fatigue crack nucleation, including microstructural and continuous models
o theory of fatigue crack propagation
o fatigue crack growth in linear elastic materials subject to dispersed damage
o fatigue cracks in elasto-plastic material, including crack growth retardation due to overloading as well as quasistationary approximation
o fatigue and related phenomena in hereditary solids
o application of the theory fatigue crack growth considering environmental factors
o unidirectional fiber composites with ductile matrix and brittle, initially continuous fibers
o laminate composites

Mechanics of Fatigue serves students dealing with mechanical aspects of fatigue, conducting research in fracture mechanics, structural safety, mechanics of composites, as well as modern branches of mechanics of solids and structures.

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Probes the range of topics concerning fatigue
Presents original research in analytical fracture mechanics
Develops a detailed planning of fatigue tests, statistical treatment and interpretation, and a more efficient use of experimental data
Provides new analytical and numerical tools for structural safety and reliability
Includes a multitude of examples, applications, bibliographies, and references

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Fatigue Crack Nucleation and Early Growth
Mechanics of Fatigue Crack Growth
Fatigue Crack Growth in Linear Elastic Bodies
Fatigue Crack Growth in Linear Elastic Bodies (continued)
Fatigue Cracks in Elasto-Plastic Bodies
Crack Growth in Hereditary Media
Environmentally Affected Fatigue and Related Phenomena
Fracture and Fatigue of Fiber Composites
Fracture and Fatigue in Laminate Composite Structures