Microturbine Generator Handbook

Title: Microturbine Generator Handbook
Author: Stephanie Hamilton
ISBN: 0878148531 / 9780878148530
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 250
Publisher: PennWell
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock

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The technology…how it operates…and a history of the development of the technology is all here in this introductory handbook to cutting-edge microturbine applications. The author directs a microturbine generator testing and assessment program for a major utility, working closely with governmental agencies, industry organizations, and universities.

• Gain an understanding of the technology, how it works, and how it can be applied
• Know who are the industry leaders
• Understand the requirements for planning an installation, siting the machine and deal with special considerations such as interconnecting with a utility grid

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Chapter 1 : Microturbine Technology
Chapter 2 : Commercial Microturbines and Their Manufacturers
Chapter 3 : Feasibility Study, Project Plan, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Microturbines
Chapter 4 : Utility Grid Standards and Interconnection of Microturbines
Chapter 5 : Permits and Other Considerations
Chapter 6 : Customer Applications of Microturbines

Appendix A : Emergence and Evolution of Microturbine Generators
Appendix B : Microturbine Generator Test Program
Appendix C : Rule 21 : Generating Facility Interconnections
Appendix D : State Permitting Websites