No Fault Found : The Search for the Root Cause

Title: No Fault Found : The Search for the Root Cause
Author: Chris Hockley, Ian K. Jennions, Paul Phillips, Samir Khan
ISBN: 076808122X / 9780768081220
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 202
Publisher: SAE
Year: 2015
Availability: 45-60 days

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Today, we are all strongly dependent on the correct functioning of technical systems. They fail, and we become vulnerable. Disruptions due to degradation or anomalous behavior can negatively impact safety, operations, and brand name, reducing the profitability of all elements of the value chain.

This can be tolerated if the link between cause and effect is understood and remedied.

Anomalous behavior, which indicates systems or subsystems not acting in accordance with design intent, is a much more serious problem. It includes unwanted system responses and faults whose root cause can’t be properly diagnosed, leading to costly, and sometimes unnecessary, component replacements.

The title No Fault Found: The Search for the Root Cause was developed to propose solutions to this technical and business challenge, which has become less and less acceptable to the commercial aviation industry globally.

Bringing together the areas of systems engineering and quality management, this unique book lists relevant terminology for consistent reporting, addresses the importance of “soft” human factors, and deals with aspects of availability and safety, operating policies, tools, diagnostic design, and the use of the right technology.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Basics and Clarification of Terminology
Chapter 3 : The Human Influence
Chapter 4 : Availability in Context
Chapter 5 : Safety Perceptions
Chapter 6 : Operating Policies for Management Guidance
Chapter 7 : A Benchmark Tool for NFF
Chapter 8 : Improving System and Diagnostic Design
Chapter 9 : Technologies for Reducing No Fault Found
Chapter 10 : Summary and Ideas for Future Work

About the Authors