Noise Control in Industry : A Practical Guide

Title: Noise Control in Industry : A Practical Guide
Author: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
ISBN: 8174890084 / 9788174890085
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 190
Publisher: Infotech
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock
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Damage from noise exposure of sufficient intensity and duration is well established and hearing loss may be temporary or permanent. Fortunately, noise exposure can be controlled and technology exists to reduce the hazards. Aside from employer/employee concern with the inherent hazards of noise, added attention has been brought to focus on the subject through regulatory requirements. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) every employer is legally responsible for providing a workplace free of hazards such as excessive noise. It has been estimated that 14 million U.S. workers are exposed to hazardous noise.

This book is presented as an overview summary for employers, workers, and supervisors interested in workplace noise and its control. We believe that in order to understand and control noise it is not necessary to be highly technical. Noise problems can quite often be solved by the people who are directly affected. Presented are an overview of noise; the regulations concerning its control; an explanation of specific principles and a discussion of some particular techniques.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction to Sound and Noise
Chapter 2 : Industrial Noise Control-An Overview
Chapter 3 : Noise Control Regulations
Chapter 4 : Noise Analysis
Chapter 5 : Vibration Analysis and Instrumentation
Chapter 6 : Measurement Techniques for Sound Level Meters
Chapter 7 : Audiometry
Chapter 8 : Analysis of Valve and Piping Noise
Chapter 9 : Fan Noise Control
