Nutrition Cancer & You : What You Need to Know, & Where to Start

Title: Nutrition Cancer & You : What You Need to Know, & Where to Start
Author: Jane Bradley, Susan Calhoun
ISBN: 1886110069 / 9781886110069
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 190
Publisher: Addax Publishing Group
Year: 1997
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article


Chapter 1. : Why Easting Well is Important
Chapter 2. : General Advice for Eating Well
Chapter 3. : Minimizing Eating Problems
Chapter 4. : Eating But Still Losing Weight?
Chapter 5. : Basics of Nutrition
Chapter 6. : Devising A Nutritional Care Plan
Chapter 7. : Team Support and Home Care
Chapter 8. : Putting It All Together

Recipes: Cooking for Your Health
Resources: Cancer Survivors Guide
Financial Assistance
Bibliography and Recommended Reading