Practical Hydraulics Handbook, 2nd Edition

Title: Practical Hydraulics Handbook, 2nd Edition
Author: Barbara Hauser
ISBN: 1566700388 / 9781566700382
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 368
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 1995
Availability: In Stock

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The Second Edition of the Practical Hydraulics Handbook is a must for all those who work with water utility systems. Presented in workbook format and emphasizing practical applications, this Handbook is perfect for hydraulic engineers, technicians, operating personnel, supervisors, managers, consultants, and students.

The exceptionally well-organized chapters include information on pressurized systems and open channel flow, principles of energy and force, flow calculations and measurement, pumps, and pumping applications.

This latest edition of the Practical Hydraulics Handbook includes new exercises at the end of each chapter and detailed solutions to selected exercises. The well-chosen exercises allow readers to practice applications of the theory and to test their knowledge of the material. The solutions provide guidance and problem-solving techniques that can be used both in the field and in the lab. Reference tables are also provided for calculations of friction loss, velocity, pipe fullness, well drawdown, English/metric conversions, power, and metered flow. These tables make calculations easier and minimize the chance for error.

In this new edition of Practical Hydraulics Handbook, all of the major principles and calculations dealing with the hydraulics of water systems are covered, and new and expanded material has been added.

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• Expanded sections on thrust control and metering
• A complete glossary that provides clear definitions of terms, enhancing the reader's understanding of the field
• New easy-to-read reference tables that simplify calculations
• Troubleshooting notes that reinforce the most important ideas
• Additional material in the appendices, including derivations of mathematical formulas used in the text
• Includes new exercises and solutions
• Contains photographs and enhanced graphics

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About the Author

Chapter 1 : Mass, Density and Displacement
Chapter 2 : Flow and Velocity
Chapter 3 : Pressure
Chapter 4 : Bernoulli’s Theorem
Chapter 5 : Pumping – Introduction
Chapter 6 : Friction Loss
Chapter 7 : Compound Pipes
Chapter 8 : Minor Head Loss
Chapter 9 : Open Channel Flow
Chapter 10 : Flow Measurement I – Flow Rate Meters
Chapter 11 : Flow Measurement II – Totalizer Meters
Chapter 12 : Centrifugal Pumps I
Chapter 13 : Centrifugal Pumps II
Chapter 14 : Positive Displacement Pumps

Appendix 1 : Problem Solutions
Appendix 2 : Conversions
Appendix 3 : Important Formulas
Appendix 4 : Formula Derivations
Appendix 5 : Numeric Tables
Appendix 6 : Pump Troubleshooting
Sources Consulted