Process Implementation Through 5S : Laying the Foundation for Lean

Title: Process Implementation Through 5S : Laying the Foundation for Lean
Author: Drew Willis
ISBN: 1498747159 / 9781498747158
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 120
Publisher: Productivity Press
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock

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Process Implementation Through 5S: Laying the Foundation for Lean explains how to implement standardized work and visual controls through Plan–Do–Check–Adjust (PDCA). The author uses PDCA to outline the book and explains how 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) and Standardization are not only foundational parts of the PDCA for your Lean transformation, but are actually PDCA processes within themselves.

The book provides a road map to implement new processes. In addition, it shows how this same implementation process can be used to shore up existing processes and improve upon them. Once you walk through this process with your team, you not only will have laid the foundation for Lean in your organization, but will have laid the foundation for PDCA and for building an army of problem solvers. This transformation is what ultimately will add value to your customer base and drive the business results you are looking for.

These Lean tools are not an end to a means, but rather a means to an end. The purpose is not to implement these tools, check off the box, and then move on to the next area. Rather, they are tools designed to engage your team and help your team see problems, which you then can solve. This is the continuous improvement culture most organizations and Lean leaders seek.

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  • Guides readers on how to set the proper foundation of 5S and standard work in a simple way by providing a "first house" scenario
  • Focuses on visual management of processes as they are as well as process implementation while performing 5S
  • Shows readers how to analyze and improve current processes
  • Provides a simple guide for properly implementing new processes, something that companies are doing every day, even if they think that all processes have been accounted for
  • Offers guidance on how to identify an area in which to focus

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Chapter 1 : Introduction

Section I : Plan
Chapter 2 :
Identify the Area
Chapter 3 : Get a Team
Chapter 4 : Assess Current State and Set the Goal
Chapter 5 : Document and Analyze the Processes
Chapter 6 : Meet with Your Group and Assign Action Items

Section II : Do-Check-Adjust
Chapter 7 :
Implement a Pilot
Chapter 8 : Implement the Final Process, Share Success, and Begin the Next Process

Section III : Sustain
Chapter 9 :
Chapter 10 : T-Cards
Chapter 11 : Training Standardized Work

About the Author