Production and Operations Management : Manufacturing and Service, 7th Edition

Title: Production and Operations Management : Manufacturing and Service, 7th Edition
Author: Auailano, Chase
ISBN: 0256140235 / 9780256140231
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 852
Publisher: IRWIN
Year: 1995
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article


Section 1 : Nature and Context of Operations Management
Chapter 1. : Introduction to the Field
Chapter 2. : Operations Strategy and Competitiveness

Section 2 : Product Design and Process Selection
Chapter 3. : Product Design and Process Selection—Manufacturing Supplement Technology Management
Chapter 4. : Product Design and Process Selection—Services Supplement Waiting Line Management
Chapter 5. : Total Quality Management Supplement Statistical Quality Control Methods

Section 3 : Design of Facilities and Jobs
Chapter 6. : Just-In-Time Production Systems
Chapter 7. : Forecasting
Chapter 8. : Strategic Capacity Planning Supplement Linear Programming
Chapter 9. : Facility Location
Chapter 10. : Facility Layout
Chapter 11. : Job Design, Work Measurement, and Learning Curves

Section 4 : Startup of the System
Chapter 12. : Project Planning and Control

Section 5 : The System in Steady State
Chapter 13. : Aggregate Planning
Chapter 14. : Inventory Systems for Independent Demand
Chapter 15. : Inventory Systems for Dependent Demand : MRP-Type Systems
Chapter 16. : Operations Scheduling Supplement Simulation
Chapter 17. : Materials Management and Purchasing

Section 6 : Improving The System
Chapter 18. : Business Process Reengineering
Chapter 19. : Synchronous Manufacturing

Epilogue How the Pros Do It
A : Financial Analysis in Production and Operations Management
B : Uniformly Distributed Random Digits
C : Normally Distributed Random Digits
D : Areas of the Standard Normal Distribution
E : Areas of the Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution
F : Negative Exponential Distribution : Values of e¯×
G : Interest Tables
H : Answers to Selected Problems
Name Index
Subject Index