Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy : A Global Challenge, 2nd Edition

Title: Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy : A Global Challenge, 2nd Edition
Author: Mauro Graziani, Paolo Fornasiero
ISBN: 1138198528 / 9781138198524
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 490
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2016
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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As energy demands continue to surge worldwide, the need for efficient and environmentally neutral energy production
becomes increasingly apparent. In its first edition, this book presented a well-rounded perspective on the development
of bio-based feedstocks, biodegradable plastics, hydrogen energy, fuel cells, and other aspects related to renewable
resources and sustainable energy production. The new second edition builds upon this foundation to explore new
trends and technologies. The authors pay particular attention to hydrogen-based and fuel cell-based technologies and
provide real-world case studies of renewable energy projects in the emerging Asian and South American markets.

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Preface to Second Edition
Preface to First Edition

Part I : Technologies for Application and Utilization of Renewable Resources
Chapter 1 : Bioplastics : Principles, Concepts, and Technology
Chapter 2 : Bio-Based Key Molecules as Chemical Feedstocks
Chapter 3 : Aqueous-Phase Catalytic Processing in Biomass Valorization to H2 and Liquid Fuels
Chapter 4 : Valorization of Bio-Glycerol

Part II : Plastics and Materials from Renewable Resources

Chapter 5 : Developments and Future Trends for Environmentally Degradable Plastics
Chapter 6 : Fish Gelatin : Material Properties and Applications
Chapter 7 : Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources : Blends of Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate) and Cellulose
Acetate Derived from Rice Straw and Bagasse
Chapter 8 : Using Life Cycle Assessment to Evaluate The Environmental Performance of Bio-Based Materials

Part III : Technologies for Renewable Energy

Chapter 9 : Biomass Gasification for Second-Generation Fuel Production
Chapter 10 : Future Perspectives for Hydrogen as Fuel in Transportation
Chapter 11 : Technologies for Second-Generation Ethanol Based on Biochemical Platform
Chapter 12 : Efficient Distributed Power Supply With Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
Chapter 13 : Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers for Renewable Energy

Part IV : Trends, Needs, and Opportunities in Selected Biomass-Rich Countries
Chapter 14 : Research and Prospective of Next Generation Biofuels in India
Chapter 15 : Catalytic Technologies for Sustainable Development in Argentina
Chapter 16 : Biofuels and Biochemicals in Brazil
Chapter 17 : Biofuels and Biochemicals in Africa
