Solar Powered Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles : A Sustainable Development

Title: Solar Powered Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles : A Sustainable Development
Author: Gary Brase, Jackson Cutsor, Jessica Robinson, Larry E. Erickson
ISBN: 0815383711 / 9780815383710
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 168
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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The Paris Agreement on Climate Change adopted on December 12, 2015 is a voluntary effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reach the goals of this agreement, there is a need to generate electricity without greenhouse gas emissions and to electrify transportation. An infrastructure of SPCSs can help accomplish both of these transitions. Globally, expenditures associated with the generation, transmission, and use of electricity are more than one trillion dollars per year. Annual transportation expenditures are also more than one trillion dollars per year. Almost everyone will be impacted by these changes in transportation, solar power generation, and smart grid developments. The benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions will differ with location, but all will be impacted.

This book is about the benefits associated with adding solar panels to parking lots to generate electricity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide shade and shelter from rain and snow. The electricity can flow into the power grid or be used to charge electric vehicles (EVs). Solar powered charging stations (SPCSs) are already in many parking lots in many countries of the world. The prices of solar panels have decreased recently, and about 30% of the new U.S. electrical generating capacity in 2015 was from solar energy. More than one million EVs are in service in 2016, and there are significant benefits associated with a convenient charging infrastructure of SPCSs to support transportation with electric vehicles.

Solar Powered Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles: A Sustainable Development aims to share information on pathways from our present situation to a world with a more sustainable transportation system with EVs, SPCSs, a modernized smart power grid with energy storage, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and better urban air quality. Covering 200 million parking spaces with solar panels can generate about 1/4 of the electricity that was generated in 2014 in the United States. Millions of EVs with 20 to 50 kWh of battery storage can help with the transition to wind and solar power generation through owners responding to time-of-use prices.

Written for all audiences, high school and college teachers and students, those in industry and government, and those involved in community issues will benefit by learning more about the topics addressed in the book. Those working with electrical power and transportation, who will be in the middle of the transition, will want to learn about all of the challenges and developments that are addressed here.

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  • Reviews the history, the current status, and the predicted future of electric vehicles and solar powered charging stations for those vehicles.
  • Explains the basic technology of electric vehicles, solar power generation, battery storage, and the electrical transmission system.
  • Projects the needed technology and infrastructure if the United States reaches 250 million electric vehicles and 200 million solar powered charging stations. It also extensively reviews the status of these developments and infrastructures around the world.
  • Includes economic projections such as reduction of GHG emissions according to electric vehicles market share and payback period for solar powered charging stations according to the number installed.
  • Discusses specific case studies relevant to suggested recommendations such as display advertising on charging stations to fund free charging for consumers.

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Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2 : Electric Vehicles
Chapter 3 : Solar Powered Charging Stations
Chapter 4 : Infrastructure for Charging Electric Vehicles
Chapter 5 : Batteries and Energy Storage
Chapter 6 : Electrical Grid Modernization
Chapter 7 : Distributed Renewable Energy Generation
Chapter 8 : Urban Air Quality
Chapter 9 : Economics, Finance, and Policy
Chapter 10 : Sustainable Development
Chapter 11 : International Opportunities
