Stainless Steels : A Steel Products Manual

Title: Stainless Steels : A Steel Products Manual
Author: Harold M. Cobb
ISBN: 188636298X / 9781886362987
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 334
Publisher: AIST
Year: 2008
Availability: In Stock

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This greatly expanded 2008 edition of the Stainless Steels: Steel Products Manual is an invaluable source of information for those who work with stainless steels - engineers, metallurgists, designers, architects and others involved with buying and selling, specifying or using stainless steel. This 336-page book includes highly useful information not readily found in other publications. Content includes the Stainless Steel Alloy Index, an overview of stainless steels, data sheets, product forms and more, plus the new Naming and Numbering of Stainless Steels. Reviewers have claimed Stainless Steels to be the "quickest, easiest-to-use stainless reference."

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Preface to This Edition
Stainless Steel Alloy Index

Chapter 1 : Overview of Stainless Steels
Chapter 2 : Chemical Composites
Chapter 3 : Descriptions of Alloys, Their Properties and Applications
Chapter 4 : Semifinished Products : Blooms, Billets, Slabs and Rods
Chapter 5 : Bar Size Shapes, Structural Shapes, Hot Extrusions
Chapter 6 : Bars : Hot Finished and Cold Finished
Chapter 7 : Plates
Chapter 8 : Sheets : Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled
Chapter 9 : Strip and Foil : Cold Rolled
Chapter 10 : Wire
Chapter 11 : Tubular Products

Appendix I : Typical Applications
Appendix IIA : ASTM Standards and Specifications
Appendix IIB : SAE - AMS (Aerospace Material Specifications)
Appendix III : Stainless Steel Trade Names and Their Origins
Appendix IV : National Designations for Similar Stainless Steels : A Guide to Steels with Similar Chemical Compositions
Appendix V : The Naming and Numbering of Stainless Steels
Appendix VI : Directory of Specifications Sources