Sustainable Energy Landscapes : Designing, Planning, and Development

Title: Sustainable Energy Landscapes : Designing, Planning, and Development
Author: Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Sven Stremke
ISBN: 9780367380885
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 528
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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In the near future the appearance and spatial organization of urban and rural landscapes will be strongly influenced by the generation of renewable energy. One of the critical tasks will be the re-integration of these sustainable energy landscapes into the existing environment—which people value and want to preserve—in a socially fair, environmentally sound, and economically feasible manner. Accordingly, Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Designing, Planning, and Development focuses on the municipal and regional scale, where energy-conscious interventions are effective, and stakeholders can participate actively in the transition process.

This book presents state-of-the-art knowledge in the exciting new field of sustainable energy landscapes. It bridges the gap between theory and fundamental research on the one hand, and practice and education on the other. The chapters—written by experts in their fields—present a selection of interdisciplinary, cutting-edge projects from across the world, illustrating the inspiring challenge of developing sustainable energy landscapes. They include unique case studies from Germany, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Austria, Italy, and the United States.

The editors and team of contributing authors aim to inspire readers, providing a comprehensive overview of sustainable energy landscapes, including principles, concepts, theories, and examples. The book describes various methods, such as energy potential mapping and heat mapping, multicriteria decision analysis, energy landscape visualization, and employing exergy and carbon models. It addresses how to quantify the impact of energy transition both on landscape quality and energy economy, issues of growing importance. The text infuses readers with enthusiasm to promote further research and action toward the important goal of building energy landscapes for a sustainable future.

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Part I : Preamble
Chapter 1 :
Sustainable Energy Landscapes : An Introduction
Chapter 2 : Reading the Changing Energy Landscape
Chapter 3 : Strong Feelings : Emotional Landscape of Wind Turbines

Part II : Methods
Chapter 4 :
Energy Potential Mapping and Heat Mapping : Prerequisite for Energy-Conscious Planning and Design
Chapter 5 : Five-Step Approach to the Design of Sustainable Energy Landscapes
Chapter 6 : Multicriteria Decision Analysis for the Planning and Design of Sustainable Energy Landscapes
Chapter 7 : Energy Landscape Visualization : Scientific Quality and Social Responsibility of a Powerful Tool
Chapter 8 : Developing a Planning Theory for Wicked Problems : Swarm Planning
Chapter 9 : Planning Sustainable Energy Landscapes : From Collaborative Approaches to Individuals’ Active Planning
Chapter 10 : Integrated Optimization of Spatial Structures and Energy Systems
Chapter 11 : Employing Exergy and Carbon Models to Determine the Sustainability of Alternative Energy Landscapes

Part III : Case studies
Chapter 12 :
Energy-Conscious Design Practice in Asia : Smart City Chengdu and the Taiwan Strait Smart Region
Chapter 13 : Conduit Urbanism : Rethinking Infrastructural Ecologies in the Great Lakes Megaregion, North America
Chapter 14 : Bi-Productive Urban Landscapes : Urban Resilience through a Redevelopment of Postindustrial Space in the United Kingdom
Chapter 15 : Spatial Modeling for Community Renewable Energy Planning : Case Studies in British Columbia, Canada
Chapter 16 : Initiating and Analyzing Renewable Energy Transitions in Germany : The District, Village, and Farm Scale
Chapter 17 : Energy-Conscious Planning Practice in Austria : Strategic Planning for Energy-Optimized Urban Structures
Chapter 18 : Assessment of Sustainability for the Danish Island of Samsø by Application of a Work Energy (Exergy) Balance : A Preliminary Assessment
Chapter 19 : Carbon Emission Intensity and Areal Empower Density : Combining Two Systemic Indicators to Inform the Design and Planning of Sustainable Energy Landscapes

Part IV : Education
Chapter 20 :
Designing Sustainable Energy Islands : Applying the Five-Step Approach in a Graduate Student’s Studio in the Netherlands
Chapter 21 : Toward the Zero Campus : Multidisciplinary Design Pedagogy in the United States
Chapter 22 : "Resources" : An Educational Approach to Address Future Urban Uncertainties
