Techniques and Topics in Flow Measurement

Title: Techniques and Topics in Flow Measurement
Author: Frank E. Jones
ISBN: 0849324750 / 9780849324758
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 176
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 1995
Availability: In Stock

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Techniques and Topics in Flow Measurement covers the applications and techniques of flow measurement. This definitive book provides guidelines for choosing appropriate techniques and assuring valid measurements as well as describes methods for treatment of calibration data in fluid flow under various conditions. The book also covers three systems of units: the SI system, the English Absolute Dimensional system, and the English Engineering system. Commonly used - and often misused - variables such as force, weight, and pressure are defined, and the relationships between the systems for these common variables are summarized.
One of the many unique features of Techniques and Topics in Flow Measurement is the number of ready-to-use tables included throughout the text. Tables are provided for such commonly encountered variables as the saturation vapor pressure of water; the composition of dry air; the compressibility factor for air; air-free and air-saturated water density; viscosity of dry air, nitrogen, and other gases; and specific heat/specific volume ratios for dry air, water vapor, and moist air. Another unique feature of this book is the number of highly relevant examples. The author includes examples/exercises that demonstrate applications for density calculations; water vapor mixing ratio determination; gas viscosity interpolation; NIST guideline applications; buoyancy corrections; and more.

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Chapter 1 : Force, Weight, and Pressure Units
Chapter 2 : Density of Gases
Chapter 3 : Density of Water
Chapter 4 : Water Vapor Mixing Ratio as a Flow Parameter
Chapter 5 : Viscosity of Gases
Chapter 6 : Gamma, Ratio of Specific Heats for Air
Chapter 7 : Measurement Uncertainty
Chapter 8 : Buoyancy Corrections in Weighing
Chapter 9 : Real-Gas Critical Flow Factor, C*
Chapter 10 : Subsonic Flow and Discharge Coefficients
Chapter 11 : Automatic Pipets
Chapter 12 : Reference Method for Testing Hydrometers
Chapter 13 : Treatment of Laminar Flowmeter Calibration Data
Chapter 14 : Effect of Kinematic Viscosity on Performance of Turbine Flowmeters
Chapter 15 : Analysis of Calibration Data for Vortex Shedding Flowmeter
Chapter 16 : Treatment of Calibration Data for Venturi Meters
Chapter 17 : Ascertaining Linear Range of Anemometers
Chapter 18 : Diverter Corrections
Chapter 19 : Calibration of Platform Scale
Chapter 20 : Volumetric Test Measures
Chapter 21 : Experimental Determination of Density of Liquids
Chapter 22 : Tank Volume
