The 5S Improvement Handbook

Title: The 5S Improvement Handbook
Author: .
ISBN: 1874153035 / 9781874153030
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 155
Publisher: Productivity Press
Year: 1998
Availability: Out of Stock

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The 5S Improvement Handbook is part of Productivity Europe’s 5S training materials, and is the result of more than five years’ experience of helping European companies implement the 5S’s.

The 5S’s are not a system of housekeeping; rather, they are a method for organisation, standardisation and improvement. Without effective organisation there can be no effective standards in the workplace, and without effective standards there can be no improvement.

The book is designed to complement Productivity Europe’s 5S training, but may be used by facilitators to conduct their own 5S training and implementation programmes.

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Step 1 : Promotion Plan
Step 2 : Initial 5S Audit
Step 3 : The 1st S: Sort
Step 4 : The 2nd S: Set Locations and Limits
Step 5 : The 3rd S: Shine and Sweep
Step 6 : The 4th S: Standardise
Step 7 : The 5th S: Sustain
