The 5S's : Five Keys to a Total Quality Environment

Title: The 5S's : Five Keys to a Total Quality Environment
Author: Takashi Osada
ISBN: 9283311167 / 9789283311164
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 224
Publisher: APO
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock

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The first step in any quality movement should be a 5S movement - that is, a determination to organize the workplace, keep it neat and clean, maintain standardized conditions, and maintain the discipline needed to do a good job.
By using this book to initiate a 5S movement, your company will see results in: higher productivity and better quality; improved accident prevention; employees taking pride in their work; healthier corporate climate.

What are the 5S's?
Seiri = Organization
Seiton = Neatness
Seiso = Cleaning
Seiketsu = Standardization
Shitsuke = Discipline

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Chapter 1 : The 5S's Revolution
Chapter 2 : What a Difference the 5S's Make
Chapter 3 : Meaning and Purposes of the 5S's
Chapter 4 : Seiri=Organization
Chapter 5 : Seiton=Neatness
Chapter 6 : Seiso=Cleaning
Chapter 7 : Seiketsu=Standardization
Chapter 8 : Shitsuke=Discipline
Chapter 9 : The 5S's in the Office: The Office as a Paperwork Factory
Chapter 10 : Getting the Most Out of the 5S's
