The Dynamics of Energy : Supply, Conversion, and Utilization

Title: The Dynamics of Energy : Supply, Conversion, and Utilization
Author: Horacio Perez-Blanco
ISBN: 1138112739 / 9781138112735
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 320
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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As mankind searches for energy alternatives with minimal environmental consequences and acceptable cost, it is necessary to identify valid areas of endeavor that can activate favorable energy sources and technological developments. Toward that end, The Dynamics of Energy: Supply, Conversion, and Utilization develops competence in energy matters on three levels: basic concepts, essential computations, and dynamic modeling.

The book reviews the laws of thermodynamics and rate relationships between flows and gradients as a foundation for subsequent topics. Using dynamic analysis, it examines the potential of current energy sources to serve the needs of a growing world economy. The text also describes key fossil conversion, renewable conversion, and utilization technologies. It presents a technique to assess efficiencies from ground (or harvest) to end use, explores the effects of energy use on the environment, and offers an introduction to dynamic modeling. The book concludes with a description of energy technologies that, if suitably employed, could configure a sustainable energy future.

Studying the dynamics of thermal systems is conducive to ascertaining what technologies could indeed make a difference for a desirable energy future. Suitable response time to demand and acceptable fuel lifetimes are necessary conditions for energy systems to compete in the marketplace. The planning effort that should lead the energy endeavor requires projection of the time span of pollution effects. Harnessing the flexibility and speed of VisSim™ for dynamic modeling, this book provides the tools to model most thermal systems with moderate complexity. It also evaluates energy supplies, conversion, and end use.

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  • Provides a complete portfolio of various energy technologies to enhance understanding of the present and enable innovative speculation about the energy future
  • Contains numerical examples to reinforce conceptual insights
  • Presents energy resource assessments in common units to allow meaningful comparisons
  • Uses dynamic modeling to show how different energy systems fulfill different needs in a timely manner
  • Includes VisSim™ examples on the accompanying CD-ROM
  • Offers both Simulink® and ViSim examples as well as a trial version of VisSim available for download online

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Chapter 1 : The Laws
Chapter 2 : The Equations for Transient Phenomena
Chapter 3 : Predicting Peaks : A Difficult Art
Chapter 4 : Fossil Fuels and Their Technology
Chapter 5 : Renewable Technology
Chapter 6 : Apres Conversion : Utilization Technology
Chapter 7 : Chain Efficiencies : From Capture to Utilization
Chapter 8 : Energy and Its Sequels
Chapter 9 : Dynamic Modeling
Chapter 10 : The Future : A Moving Green Target
