The Dynamics of Innovation : Strategic and Managerial Implications

Title: The Dynamics of Innovation : Strategic and Managerial Implications
Author: Alok K. Chakrabarti, Jurgen Hauschildt, Klaus Brockhoff
ISBN: 3540656596 / 9783540656593
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 361
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock

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The dynamics of innovation are viewed in this book both from a strategic and project perspective: First, innovations might lead to a radical restructuring is only possible if highly dedicated and committed individuals coperate to achieve the desired outcomes. Third, any successful innovation has to fit into a strategic framework. This, in itself, is difficult to identify and it is in flux, depending on changes in the technological and competitive environment as well as mastering of the innovation process itself. The book assembles contributions from American and German researchers on dynamic aspects of strategy formation and strategic impacts on the one hand, and dynamic aspects of project management on the other hand.

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Part I : Strategic Dynamics
Chapter 1 : Managing Through Industry Fusion
Chapter 2 : Dynamics of Technological Competencies
Chapter 3 : Organizational Adaptation and Innovation : The Dynamics of Adopting Innovation Types
Chapter 4 : Strategic Dynamics and Corporate Performance : A Longitudinal Assessment
Chapter 5 : Evaluation of Dynamic Technological Developments by Means of Patent Data
Chapter 6 : Innovation Objectives, Managerial Education and Firm Performance-an Exploratory Analysis

Part II : Dynamics in Project Management
Chapter 7 : Promotors and Champions in Innovations-Development of a Research Paradigm
Chapter 8 : A Longitudinal Examination of How Champions Influence Others to Support Their Projects
Chapter 9 : Opposition to Innovations-Destructive or Constructive?
Chapter 10 : Starting Conditions of Successful European R&D Consortia
Chapter 11 : Concurrent Development and Product Innovations
Chapter 12 : Patterns in High-Impact Innovation
Chapter 13 : Literature
Chapter 14 : List of Contributors