The Electronics Companion : Devices and Circuits for Physicists and Engineers, 2nd Edition

Title: The Electronics Companion : Devices and Circuits for Physicists and Engineers, 2nd Edition
Author: Anthony C. Fischer-Cripps
ISBN: 1138429570 / 9781138429574
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 326
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.

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Understand Introductory Electronics

Updated and expanded with new topics, The Electronics Companion: Devices and Circuits for Physicists and Engineers, 2nd Edition presents a full course in introductory electronics using a unique and educational presentation technique that is the signature style of the author’s companion books. This concise yet detailed book covers introductory electrical principles (DC and AC circuits), the physics of electronics components, circuits involving diodes and transistors, transistors amplifiers, filtering, operational amplifiers, digital electronics, transformers, instrumentation, and power supplies.

A Convenient, Student-Friendly Format Rich with Diagrams and Clear Explanations

The level of coverage is introductory but at enough depth to enable students to undertake simple circuit design and construction. The book includes tutorial problems and a comprehensive set of laboratory experiments requiring conventional components and test equipment.

Be sure to check out the author’s other companion books:

  • The Materials Physics Companion, 2nd Edition
  • The Physics Companion, 2nd Edition
  • The Mathematics Companion: Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers, 2nd Edition
  • The Chemistry Companion

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Chapter 1 : Electricity
Chapter 2 : DC Circuits
Chapter 3 : AC Circuits
Chapter 4 : Diodes
Chapter 5 : Bipolar Junction Transistor
Chapter 6 : Common Emitter Amplifier
Chapter 7 : Input/Output Impedance
Chapter 8 : Field Effect Transistor
Chapter 9 : High Frequency
Chapter 10 : Power Amplifiers
Chapter 11 : Transients
Chapter 12 : Digital Electronics
Chapter 13 : Operational Amplifiers
Chapter 14 : Transformers
Chapter 15 : Power Suppliers
Chapter 16 : Instrumentation
Chapter 17 : Laboratory
