The Theory of Everything : Quantum and Relativity is Everywhere - A Fermat Universe

Title: The Theory of Everything : Quantum and Relativity is Everywhere - A Fermat Universe
Author: Norbert Schwarzer
ISBN: 9814774472 / 9789814774475
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 216
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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The book unifies quantum theory and the general theory of relativity. As an unsolved problem for about 100 years and influencing so many fields, this is probably of some importance to the scientific community. Examples like Higgs field, limit to classical Dirac and Klein–Gordon or Schrödinger cases, quantized Schwarzschild, Kerr, Kerr–Newman objects, and the photon are considered for illustration. An interesting explanation for the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the early universe was found while quantizing the Schwarzschild metric.

Tab Article

About Motivation and Luck

Chapter 1 : Brief Introduction
Chapter 2 : Theory
Chapter 3 : The 1D Quantum Oscillator in the Metric Picture
Chapter 4 : The Quantized Schwarzschild Metric
Chapter 5 : Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry
Chapter 6 : Generalization of "The Recipe" : From %u0127 to the Planck-Tensor
Chapter 7 : About Fermat’s Last Theorem
Chapter 8 : Dirac Quantization of the Kerr Metric
Chapter 9 : The Photon
Chapter 10 : How the Quantum Theory Already Resides in the Einstein-Hilbert Action
