Thermal Food Processing : New Technologies and Quality Issues, 2nd Edition

Title: Thermal Food Processing : New Technologies and Quality Issues, 2nd Edition
Author: Da-Wen Sun
ISBN: 1439876789 / 9781439876787
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 686
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock
Special Indian Edition.

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Thermal processing remains one of the most important processes in the food industry. Now in its second edition, Thermal Food Processing: New Technologies and Quality Issues continues to explore the latest developments in the field. Assembling the work of a worldwide panel of experts, this volume highlights topics vital to the food industry today and pinpoints the trends in future research and development.

Topics discussed include:

  • Thermal properties of foods, including heat capacity, conductivity, diffusivity, and density
  • Heat and mass transfer and related engineering principles, mechanisms, and models
  • The development and application of deterministic heat transfer models for predicting internal product temperatures
  • Modeling thermal processing using artificial neural networks (ANN) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Thermal processing of meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products; canned foods; ready meals; and vegetables
  • The effect of ultrahigh temperature (UHT) treatment processing on milk, including the impact on nutrient composition, safety, and organoleptic aspects
  • Ohmic, radio frequency (RF) dialectric, infrared, and pressure-assisted heating
  • pH-assisted thermal processing

In addition to updating all content, this second edition includes five new chapters: Thermal Effects in Food Microbiology, Modeling Thermal Microbial Inactivation Kinetics, Thermal Processing of Food and Fruit Juices, Aseptic Processing and Packaging, and Microwave Heating. The final chapter of the book examines systems used in the evaluation of thermal processes and the development of time temperature integrators (TTIs) to ensure the safety of thermally processed food. An up-to-date survey of essential techniques and the science behind them, this volume is a critical reference for food industry professionals.

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Part I : Modeling of Thermal Food Processes
Chapter 1 :
Thermal Physical Properties of Foods
Chapter 2 : Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Food Processing
Chapter 3 : Thermal Effects in Food Microbiology
Chapter 4 : Simulating Thermal Food Processes Using Deterministic Models
Chapter 5 : Modeling Food Thermal Processes Using Artificial Neural Networks
Chapter 6 : Modeling Thermal Processing Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Chapter 7 : Modeling Thermal Microbial Inactivation Kinetics

Part II : Quality and Safety of Thermally Processed Foods
Chapter 8 :
Thermal Processing of Meat and Meat Products
Chapter 9 : Thermal Processing of Poultry Products
Chapter 10 : Thermal Processing of Fishery Products
Chapter 11 : Thermal Processing of Dairy Products
Chapter 12 : Ultrahigh Temperature Thermal Processing of Milk
Chapter 13 : Thermal Processing of Canned Foods
Chapter 14 : Thermal Processing of Ready Meals
Chapter 15 : Thermal Processing of Vegetables
Chapter 16 : Thermal Processing of Fruits and Fruit Juices

Part III : Innovations in Thermal Food Processes
Chapter 17 :
Aseptic Processing and Packaging
Chapter 18 : Ohmic Heating for Food Processing
Chapter 19 : Radio Frequency Dielectric Heating
Chapter 20 : Infrared Heating
Chapter 21 : Microwave Heating
Chapter 22 : Combination Treatment of Pressure and Mild Heating
Chapter 23 : pH-Assisted Thermal Processing
Chapter 24 : Time - Temperature Integrators for Thermal Process Evaluation
