Utah Oil Shale : Science, Technology, and Policy Perspectives

Title: Utah Oil Shale : Science, Technology, and Policy Perspectives
Author: Jennifer Spinti
ISBN: 0367872986 / 9780367872984
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 362
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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Includes full-color isopach and richness maps for each organic-rich and organic-lean oil shale interval within the upper Green River Formation.

Offers computational exploration of trade-offs in drilling and heating options on the net energy return for oil produced from an in situ process.

Analyzes costs and emissions associated with in situ production of oil shale.

Discusses legal and policy issues for a nascent oil shale industry.

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  • Summarizes integrated research performed on oil shale samples from the Skyline 16 core drilled in the Uinta Basin.
  • Evaluates oil shale at multiple scales, including molecular, core, production, and basin scales.
  • Provides data that can be used to improve pyrolysis models.
  • Examines mechanical properties of oil shale at temperatures and stresses characteristic of in situ extraction.
  • Includes full-color isopach and richness maps for each organic-rich and organic-lean oil shale interval within the upper Green River Formation.
  • Offers computational exploration of trade-offs in drilling and heating options on the net energy return for oil produced from an in situ process.
  • Analyzes costs and emissions associated with in situ production of oil shale.
  • Discusses legal and policy issues for a nascent oil shale industry.

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Chapter 1 : A Decade of Oil Shale Research (2006–2015)
Chapter 2 : Legal and Policy Considerations Involving Oil Shale Bearing Lands and the Resources They Contain
Chapter 3 : Legal and Policy Considerations Involving Water for Oil Shale Development
Chapter 4 : Evaluation of the Upper Green River Formation’s Oil Shale Resource in the Uinta Basin, Utah
Chapter 5 : Chemical and Structural Characterization of Oil Shale from the Green River Formation
Chapter 6 : Oil Shale Pyrolysis Rates and Mechanisms
Chapter 7 : Core-Scale Oil Shale Pyrolysis
Chapter 8 : Pore-Scale Transport Processes During oil Shale Pyrolysis
Chapter 9 : Geomechanical and Fluid Transport Properties
Chapter 10 : Modeling of Well Arrangement and its Effect on Energy Ratio for in Situ Thermal Treatment of Oil Shale in the Uinta Basin
Chapter 11 : Economic Analysis of in Situ Oil Shale Development in the Uinta Basin
Chapter 12 : Oil Shale Development, Air Quality, and Carbon Management
