Water Power Development (Set)

Title: Water Power Development (Set)
Author: Emil Mosonyi
ISBN: 9630542706 / 9789630542708
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 2170
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado, Budapest
Year: 1987
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

Volume I

Preface to the Third English Edition
Preface to the Second English Edition
Preface to the First English Edition

Part I : Principles of Water Power Utilization
Chapter 1 :
Sources of Mechanical Energy in Water
Chapter 2 : History and Types of Water Power Development

Part II : Low-Head Power Plants
Chapter 1 :
Power Estimates
Chapter 2 : General Arrangement of Power Developments
Chapter 3 : Structures of Diversion Canal Developments
Chapter 4 : Types and Parts of Power Plants
Chapter 5 : The Powerhouse

List of Symbols
Coversion Table
Author Index
Index of Power Plants
Index of Institutions
Subject Index
List of Supplements

Volume II/A

Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the First and Second Edition

Part III : High-Head Power Plants
Chapter 1 :
General Principles
Chapter 2 : Free-Flow Conduit Developments (Run-of-River Plants)
Chapter 3 : Pressure Tunnel Developments
Chapter 4 : Penstock and Equipment

List of Symbols
Conversion Table
Author Index
Index of Power Plants
Index of Institutions
Subject Index
List of Tables
List of Numerical Examples
Errata to Vol. I

Volume II/B

Chapter 5 : The Power Station
Chapter 6 : Developments with Concentrated Fall
Chapter 7 : Hydraulic Machinery and Electrical Equipment

List of Symbols
Conversion Table
Author Index
Index of Power Plants
Index of Institutions
Subject Index
List of Tables
List of Supplements