Wind Turbine Technology : Principles and Design

Title: Wind Turbine Technology : Principles and Design
Author: Muyiwa Adaramola
ISBN: 1774633361 / 9781774633366
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 364
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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This important book presents a selection of new research on wind turbine technology, including aerodynamics, generators and gear systems, towers and foundations, control systems, and environmental issues.

This informative book:

  • Introduces the principles of wind turbine design
  • Presents methods for analysis of wind turbine performance
  • Discusses approaches for wind turbine improvement and optimization
  • Covers fault detection in wind turbines
  • Describes mediating the adverse effects of wind turbine use and installation

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Part I : Aerodynamics
Chapter 1 :
Wind Turbine Blade Design
Chapter 2 : A Shrouded Wind Turbine Generating High Output Power with Wind-Lens Technology
Chapter 3 : Ecomoulding of Composite Wind Turbine Blades Using Green Manufacturing RTM Process
Chapter 4 : Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Using Differential Evolution

Part II : Generators and Gear Systems
Chapter 5 :
Performance Evaluation of an Induction Machine with Auxiliary Winding for Wind Turbine Power
Chapter 6 : Time Domain Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Gear Contact Force in a Wind Turbine Gearbox with Respect to Fatigue Assessment

Part III : Tower and Foundation
Chapter 7 :
Wind Turbine Tower Vibration Modeling and Monitoring by the Nonlinear State Estimation Technique (NSET)

Part IV : Control Systems
Chapter 8 :
Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Wind Turbine Power Maximization
Chapter 9 : Two LQRI based Blade Pitch Controls for Wind Turbines
Chapter 10 : Power Control Design for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines
Chapter 11 : H∞ Based Control for Load Mitigation in Wind Turbines

Part V : Environmental Issues
Chapter 12 :
Electromagnetic Interference on Large Wind Turbines
Chapter 13 : Noise Pollution Prevention in Wind Turbines : Status and Recent Advances
