CRC Press

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Author: Mehdi Amiri, Michael M. Khonsari
ISBN: 1466511796 / 9781466511798
Year: 2012
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Thermodynamics of Mechanical Fatigue provides a comprehensive understanding of the degradation processes in general, and mechanical fatigue in particular, from the thermodynamics point of view. In t...
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Author: Alfred Stärk, David Chapman, Nicole Metje
ISBN: 1498766242 / 9781498766241
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Tunnelling provides a robust solution to a variety of engineering challenges. It is a complex process, which requires a firm understanding of the ground conditions as well as the importance of groun...
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List Price: £ 64.99
Author: Ming-Bo Lin
ISBN: 143986859X / 9781439868591
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock
With the advance of semiconductors and ubiquitous computing, the use of system-on-a-chip (SoC) has become an essential technique to reduce product cost. With this progress and continuous reduction o...
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List Price: £ 110
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Author: Mohammad Albaji
ISBN: 1032275928 / 9781032275925
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book is designed as an undergraduate text for water and environmental engineering courses and as preliminary reading for postgraduate courses in water and environmental engineering- including i...
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List Price: £ 76.99
Author: Bruce C. Gates, Robert L. Powell
ISBN: 1032552832 / 9781032552835
Year: 2023
Availability: 15-30 days
Introductory Elements of Analysis and Design in Chemical Engineering introduces readers to how chemical engineers think. It explains the application of analytical methods to phenomena important in c...
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List Price: £ 65.99
Author: David F. Pyke, Douglas J. Thomas, Edward A. Silver
ISBN: 1032179325 / 9781032179322
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Authored by a team of experts, the new edition of this bestseller presents practical techniques for managing inventory and production throughout supply chains. It covers the current context of inven...
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List Price: £ 32.99
Author: Mohamad Y. Jaber
ISBN: 0367385325 / 9780367385323
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
As markets become more dynamic and competitive, companies must reconsider how they view inventory and make changes to their production and inventory systems. They must begin to think outside the cla...
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Author: Jordan Tito Jabo, Vincent Sabourin
ISBN: 1032278544 / 9781032278544
Year: 2024
Availability: 15-30 days
This critical and forward-looking book features:     An assessment of the impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on the telecom industry’s revenue streams     IoT-based business models in...
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List Price: £ 19.99
Author: Biswaranjan Acharya, Mohammed Zidan, Satarupa Dey
ISBN: 1032013915 / 9781032013916
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book consolidates and summarizes smart technologies like IoT, edge computing, and AI used in different aspects of waste material management, mitigation, and recycling for a sustainable environm...
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List Price: £ 91.99
Author: Enrique Lobato, Francisco M. Echavarren, Ignacio Egido, Luis Rouco, Lukas Sigrist
ISBN: 0367574160 / 9780367574161
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
A major concern of island power systems is frequency stability. A power system is said to be frequency stable if its generators are able to supply their loads at a frequency within acceptable limits...
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List Price: £ 48.99
Author: Itay Abuhav
ISBN: 1138039179 / 9781138039179
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
This book provides valuable, effective guidance for understanding, interpreting and implementing ISO 13485:2016 standard requirements. Despite its more than 800-page length, the author has specifica...
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List Price: £ 170
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Author: Itay Abuhav
ISBN: 1032240423 / 9781032240428
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book covers all of the new ISO 9001 requirements in detail, including examples and demonstrations from various fields and industries. In the practice of industry, the changes will demand from t...
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List Price: £ 43.99
Author: Dave Howard
ISBN: 1439883521 / 9781439883525
Year: 2011
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
When implemented correctly, release management can help ensure that quality is integrated throughout the development, implementation, and delivery of services, applications, and infrastructure. This...
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List Price: £ 77.99
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Author: Chris A Ortiz
ISBN: 0849371872 / 9780849371875
Year: 2006
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
It is easy to learn the philosophy and the concepts of kaizen. It is quite another challenge to translate the philosophy into action. While most books expound on the underlying principles and theory...
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List Price: £ 115
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Author: Anitawati Mohd Lokman, Mitsuo Nagamachi
ISBN: 1498706827 / 9781498706827
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Thanks to Apple and smart phone phenomenon, almost everyone has realized the emerging trend of user experience in design. Kansei engineering is the method to achieve that. This book defines Kansei a...
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List Price: £ 76.99
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Author: Mitsuo Nagamachi
ISBN: 143982133X / 9781439821336
Year: 2011
Availability: In Stock
A guided tour through the each stages of process, Kansei/Affective Engineering explores how to apply Kansei/Affective Engineering. It describes the psychological survey and psycho-physiological meas...
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List Price: £ 82.99
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Author: Kevin Russell, Qiong Shen, Rajpal S. Sodhi
ISBN: 1032328312 / 9781032328317
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Updated throughout for the third edition, Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems: Implementation in MATLAB® and Simscape Multibody™ offers step-by-step instructions on the fundamentals ...
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List Price: £ 155
Author: Yurii Kashlev
ISBN: 0367380803 / 9780367380809
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Fast Particles in Solids examines the kinetics and non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics of fast charged particles moving in crystals in different modes. It follo...
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List Price: £ 61.99
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Author: Jay Liebowitz, Lyle C Wilcox
ISBN: 0849331161 / 9780849331169
Year: 1997
Availability: In Stock
Covers knowledge management issues and methodologies, and includes applications in government, industry, and academia. Incorporates numerous case studies to demonstrate the concepts presented. I...
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List Price: £ 140
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Author: Jay Liebowitz
ISBN: 0367381222 / 9780367381226
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Recent research shows that collaboration and social networking foster knowledge sharing and innovation by sparking new connections, ideas, and practices. Yet these informal networks are often misund...
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Author: Jussi Kantola, Waldemar Karwowski
ISBN: 1138071943 / 9781138071940
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Edited by Jussi Kantola, the founding faculty member of the world’s first university Knowledge Service Engineering Department at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and Waldema...
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Author: Beatrice Lazzerini, Lakhmi C Jain
ISBN: 084939807X / 9780849398070
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
Integrates several artificial intelligence techniques, such as expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computing Demonstrates how these techniques apply to character recogn...
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List Price: £ 250
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Author: Lakhmi C Jain, Lofti A Zadeh, R.P. Johnson, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
ISBN: 0849398037 / 9780849398032
Year: 1999
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The successful development and deployment of expert system tools spurred the initial momentum in developing and using intelligent techniques in industry. The brittleness of expert systems and the en...
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List Price: £ 190
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Author: Adrian A. Hopgood
ISBN: 0849386160 / 9780849386169
Year: 1993
Availability: In Stock
The book more readable than most of the computing literature, my initial intention was to introduce all of the techniques as separate aspects of case studies in interpreation, diagnosis, design, pla...
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List Price: £ 94.95
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Author: James Sanderson
ISBN: 0367579065 / 9780367579067
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Gives a historical perspective in order to assess and critique current conservation management practices Provides a complete understanding of the concept of Landscape Ecology Explores Landforms an...
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