CRC Press

Total Record : 1690
Author: Michael D. Holloway
ISBN: 1439851077 / 9781439851074
Year: 2011
Availability: In Stock
Considering that the biggest machines that do the most work are made up of smaller machines and components, it becomes obvious that when a large machine breaks, it is normally due to small component...
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List Price: £ 110
Offer Price: ` 6900
Author: Muhammad H. Rashid
ISBN: 1439860467 / 9781439860465
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock
Power electronics can be a difficult course for students to understand and for professors to teach. Simplifying the process for both, SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Third Edition il...
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List Price: £ 210

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Author: Robert D Hunter
ISBN: 1439800944 / 9781439800942
Year: 2009
Availability: In Stock
Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers discusses conformity assessment and accreditation as defined in a new set of standards by the International Organization for Standar...
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List Price: £ 89
Offer Price: ` 7500
Author: Stephen Mundwiller
ISBN: 0367781778 / 9780367781774
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
People with minimal math skills, and even those with advanced math skills, have difficulty grasping the intuitive concepts behind Statistical Process Control (SPC). Many practitioners do not underst...
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List Price: £ 45.99
Author: William A. Levinson
ISBN: 1439820007 / 9781439820001
Year: 2011
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The normal or bell curve distribution is far more common in statistics textbooks than it is in real factories, where processes follow non-normal and often highly skewed distributions. Statistical Pr...
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List Price: £ 96.99
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Offer Price: £ 87.29
Author: , Tina Agustiady
ISBN: 1420083171 / 9781420083170
Year: 2012
Availability: Out of Stock
A project can be simple or complex. In each case, proven project management processes must be followed. In all cases of project management implementation, control must be exercised in order to assur...
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List Price: £ 95
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Author: Gary Matthew Wysin, Lukong Cornelius Fai
ISBN: 1466510676 / 9781466510678
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Statistical thermodynamics and the related domains of statistical physics and quantum mechanics are very important in many fields of research, including plasmas, rarefied gas dynamics, nuclear syste...
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List Price: £ 75
Offer Price: ` 4295

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Author: V. Ganapathy
ISBN: 1138077682 / 9781138077683
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This text provides information on thermal design and performance aspects on steam generators and HRSGs, discusses recent developments in boiler technology, novel design ideas, recent trends in their...
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List Price: £ 96.99
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Offer Price: £ 87.29
Author: V. Ganapathy
ISBN: 0824791479 / 9780824791476
Year: 1994
Availability: Out of Stock
Maintaining a question-and-answer format, this second edition provides simplified means of solving nearly 200 practical problems that confront engineers involved in the planning, design, operation a...
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List Price: £ 150
Offer Price: ` 2995

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Author: Chun-Qing Li, Wei Yang
ISBN: 0367635909 / 9780367635909
Year: 2023
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book presents the state-of-the-art-knowledge on corrosion of steel, cast iron and ductile iron with a focus on corrosion-induced degradation of their mechanical properties. The information pres...
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List Price: £ 45.99
Author: Mohamed Abdallah El-Reedy
ISBN: 1032525312 / 9781032525310
Year: 2023
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures: Assessment and Repair of Corrosion, Third Edition examines the corrosion of reinforced concrete from a practical point of view, highlights protective design and...
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List Price: £ 91.99
Author: Mounir B. Ibrahim, Roy C. Tew
ISBN: 1138075590 / 9781138075597
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Stirling Convertor Regenerators addresses the latest developments and future possibilities in the science and practical application of Stirling engine regenerators and technology. Written by experts...
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List Price: £ 71.99
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Offer Price: £ 64.79
Author: Anatoly Lisnianski, Ilia Frenkel, Lirong Cui
ISBN: 0367345854 / 9780367345853
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book is a collective work by many leading scientists, analysts, mathematicians, and engineers who have been working at the front end of reliability science and engineering. The book covers conv...
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List Price: £ 175
Author: Roger F. Jones
ISBN: 036737966X / 9780367379667
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This management book covers all elements of running a successful firm in each of the five major sectors of the plastics industry. The book delineates and explains the interrelationships between tech...
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List Price: £ 61.99
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Offer Price: £ 55.79
Author: Ansel C Ugural
ISBN: 143980270X / 9781439802700
Year: 2009
Availability: Out of Stock
Noted for its practical, student-friendly approach to graduate-level mechanics, this volume is considered one of the top references—for students or professioals—on the subject of elastic...
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List Price: £ 109
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Author: Joshua E. Greenspon
ISBN: 1439830932 / 9781439830932
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock
From jet engine noise that generates vibrations in the structure of an aircraft, to the sound radiation from the hull of a ship or submarine that makes it identifiable, an understanding of structura...
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List Price: £ 190
Offer Price: ` 2100

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Author: Gianluca Ranzi, Raymond Ian Gilbert
ISBN: 0415526442 / 9780415526449
Year: 2014
Availability: Out of Stock
Combining a user-friendly, practical approach with detailed derivations and mathematical background, this text shows students how to use structural analysis accurately and efficiently to solve engin...
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List Price: £ 74.99

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Author: Mark E. Tuttle
ISBN: 143987512X / 9781439875124
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials, Second Edition introduces the mechanics of composite materials and structures and combines classical lamination theory with macromechanical fail...
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List Price: £ 105
Offer Price: ` 1195

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Author: Jianqiao Ye
ISBN: 1482220334 / 9781482220339
Year: 2016
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
New Edition Now Covers Thin Plates, Plastic Deformation, Dynamics and Vibration Structural and stress analysis is a core topic in a range of engineering disciplines – from structural engine...
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List Price: £ 84.99
Author: WWai-Fah Chen
ISBN: 0849397596 / 9780849397592
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
From theory to practice - covering everything structural engineers need to know for working into the next millennium! Structural Engineering Handbook CRC netBASE is a complete resource for anyone in...
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List Price: £ 99
Offer Price: £ 49.50
Author: Junbo Jia, Lingyi Lu, Zhuo Tang
ISBN: 0367559129 / 9780367559120
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book covers both standard and advanced topics of structural mechanics. Standard subjects covered include geometric stability, forces and displacements of statically determinate structures, forc...
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List Price: £ 110
Author: Loren Runar Anderson, Reynold King Watkins
ISBN: 0849323959 / 9780849323959
Year: 2000
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Buried pipes are a highly efficient method of transport. In fact, only open channels are less costly to construct. However, the structural mechanics of buried pipes can be complicated, and imprecisi...
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List Price: £ 250
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Offer Price: £ 225
Author: Ciro Faella, Gianvittorio Rizzano, Vincenzo Piluso
ISBN: 0849374332 / 9780849374333
Year: 1999
Availability: Out of Stock
Provides a state-of-the-art summary of the most recent experimental and theoretical developments on the behavior and design of semirigid connections Offers design criteria for both braced and unbra...
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List Price: £ 141
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Author: C.M. Wang, C.Y. Wang
ISBN: 1466576847 / 9781466576841
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Structural Vibration: Exact Solutions for Strings, Membranes, Beams, and Plates offers an introduction to structural vibration and highlights the importance of the natural frequencies in design. It ...
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List Price: £ 170
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Offer Price: £ 153

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Author: K.R. Padiyar
ISBN: 1439879362 / 9781439879368
Year: 2013
Availability: In Stock
This reference describes the analytics of monitoring and predicting dynamic security and emergency control through the illustration of theory and applications of energy functions defined on structur...
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List Price: £ 195
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