Cold and Hot Forging : Fundamentals and Applications, (With CD-ROM)

Title: Cold and Hot Forging : Fundamentals and Applications, (With CD-ROM)
Author: G. Ngaile and G. Shen, T. Altan
ISBN: 0871708051 / 9780871708052
Format: Hard Cover + CD Rom
Pages: 350
Publisher: ASM International
Year: 2005
Availability: 45-60 days

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Among all manufacturing processes, forging technology has a special place because it can be used to produce parts of superior mechanical properties with minimum waste of material. Process selection and optimization are important because of the ever-increasing costs of material, energy, and labor. This reference book reviews the fundamentals of forging technology, the principal variables of the forging process and their interactions, and computer-aided techniques such as finite element analysis (FEA) for forging process and tooling design.

Topics addressed include the flow behavior of the forged material under processing conditions; die geometry and die materials; friction and lubrication; the mechanics of deformation (strains and stresses); the characteristics of forging equipment; the geometry, tolerances, surface finish and mechanical properties of forgings; and the effects of the process on the environment. A major emphasis is on the latest developments in the design of forging operations and dies, and process modeling using FEA is discussed in all of the relevant chapters.

Several chapters of the book have appendices that consist of computer animations showing the results of FEA simulations for various forging operations. The appendices are provided in Microsoft PowerPoint format on the CD-ROM that is included with the book.

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Chapter 1 : Metal Forming Processes in Manufacturing
Chapter 2 : Forging Process : Variables and Descriptions
Chapter 3 : Plastic Deformation : Strain and Strain Rate
Chapter 4 : Flow Stress and Forgeability
Chapter 5 : Plastic Deformation : Complex State of Stress and Flow Rules
Chapter 6 : Temperatures and Heat Transfer
Chapter 7 : Friction and Lubrication
Chapter 8 : Inverse Analysis for Simultaneous Determination of Flow Stress and Friction
Chapter 9 : Methods of Analysis for Forging Operations
Chapter 10 : Principles of Forging Machines
Chapter 11 : Presses and Hammers for Cold and Hot Forging
Chapter 12 : Special Machines for Forging
Chapter 13 : Billet Separation and Shearing
Chapter 14 : Process Design in Impression Die Forging
Chapter 15 : A Simplified Method to Estimate Forging Load in Impression-Die Forging
Chapter 16 : Process Modeling in Impression-Die Forging Using Finite-Element Analysis
Chapter 17 : Cold and Warm Forging
Chapter 18 : Process Modeling in Cold Forging Using Finite-Element Analysis
Chapter 19 : Microstructure Modeling in Superalloy Forging
Chapter 20 : Isothermal and Hot Die Forging
Chapter 21 : Die Materials and Die Manufacturing
Chapter 22 : Die Failures in Cold and Hot Forging
Chapter 23 : Near-Net Shape Forging and New Developments
