Introduction to Aluminum Alloys and Tempers

Title: Introduction to Aluminum Alloys and Tempers
Author: J. Gilbert Kaufman
ISBN: 087170689X / 9780871706898
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 258
Publisher: ASM International
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock

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This book addresses the need for basic information on aluminum alloys and their tempers. The author provides the reader with an understanding of the advantages and limitations of aluminum alloys and temper combinations in terms of the relationship of their composition, process history, and microstructure to service requirements. The temper designation of an aluminum alloy provides the user with background information as to how the alloy has been produced in order to obtain specific and desired properties and characteristics. Since aluminum alloys offer an excellent combination of light weight, high-strength, great corrosion resistance and reasonable cost, they have become one of the most commonly used metal groups today.

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Introduction --The Nature of the Problem
The Aluminum Association Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Wrought and Cast Aluminum
Understanding of the Alloy Designation System (both wrought and cast aluminum alloys)
Understanding of the Temper Designation System (tempers for both wrought and cast aluminum alloys)
Understanding Aluminum Fabrication Processes (ingot and billet casting, slab and strip casting, rolling, extrusion, forging, casting parts)
Applications for Aluminum Alloys and Tempers (by alloy class, by market area)
Catalog of Representative Photomicrographs
List of Selected References
Appendix: Terminology