Management Books

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Author: Bernard Jullien, Christophe Midler, Yannick Lung
ISBN: 1138297852 / 9781138297852
Year: 2017
Availability: Out of Stock
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Author: Yoshio Ishizaka
ISBN: 0815347812 / 9780815347811
Year: 2018
Availability: In Stock
"Toyota's strength doesn't come from its production system alone. With this book, I hope people realize that there is also a Toyota Way that strengthens sales."  - Fujio Cho, Toyota Motor Corporati...
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List Price: £ 22.99
Offer Price: ` 750
Author: Yoshihito Wakamatsu
ISBN: 0815347863 / 9780815347866
Year: 2018
Availability: In Stock
From the brilliant mind of a legend in the LEAN Manufacturing world comes the reasoning behind the importance of using your intellect, challenging your workers and why continuous improvement is not ...
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List Price: £ 26.99
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Author: Yoshiki Wakai
ISBN: 0815347820 / 9780815347828
Year: 2018
Availability: In Stock
Mistaken Kanbans will open your eyes to the reasons most Kanban implementations do not work as explained by an expert in Kanban Systems. It will give you a roadmap to guide you through the necessary...
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List Price: £ 21.99
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Author: Himanshu M. Trivedi, Rajesh K. Jain
ISBN: 8193021614 / 9788193021613
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
The process of transformation is highly strategic. The execution of these strategies also demands specialist skill of execution. Out of several ways, the organizations transforms, on of the widely u...
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List Price: ` 1495
Author: Himanshu M. Trivedi, Rajesh K. Jain
ISBN: 8193021630 / 9788193021637
Year: 2018
Availability: In Stock
GLocal Challenges: Excellence through Quality and Innovation New global order which has already ingrained and making us connect, communicate, with each other and with immortal things not limited t...
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List Price: ` 1495
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Author: VDA
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock
Preface to the 5th edition: In the 5th edition from 2016 the essential requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 (risk-oriented approach) were taken into account and supplemented, among other things, by the...
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List Price: 105
Author: James L. Rainey, Ken E. Sigler
ISBN: 1138491101 / 9781138491106
Year: 2018
Availability: In Stock
Past events have shed light on the vulnerability of mission-critical computer systems at highly sensitive levels. It has been demonstrated that common hackers can use tools and techniques downloaded...
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List Price: £ 61.99
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Author: Frank W. Guldenmund, George Boustras
ISBN: 1498744729 / 9781498744720
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Safety is an important aspect of everyday business operations. It can have an impact on the operations of an enterprise as well as the wellbeing of the workers. Literature shows that SMEs face extra...
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List Price: £ 96.99
Author: Jerome Hamilton, Paul C. Husby
ISBN: 1439829993 / 9781439829998
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Make Your Business a Lean Business is a written by business leaders for business leaders as a how-to guide to building enduring market leadership. Written by authors with more than 60 years’ e...
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List Price: £ 41.99
Author: Hamed Fazlollahtabar
ISBN: 0367892464 / 9780367892463
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a wide field in which several specialties are included. In general, operations and production management players use SCM to organize the problems and analyze the sol...
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List Price: £ 52.99
Author: Carl Marnewick
ISBN: 1032096055 / 9781032096056
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Executives should not necessarily know the intricacies of project management, but they should know how project management, as a discipline, can benefit the organization in implementing its strategie...
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List Price: £ 46.99
Author: Collin McLoughlin, Toshihiko Miura
ISBN: 1138745421 / 9781138745421
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
What does it take to manage an organization to success? No matter what industry you are in, an organization is primarily a group of people. This book focuses on that ever-important human element. In...
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List Price: £ 35.99
Author: Daniel Bloom
ISBN: 1498758509 / 9781498758505
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The Excellent Education System: Using Six Sigma to Transform Schools helps you discover and understand the technique of evidence-based learning and operations through which the modern school satisfi...
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List Price: £ 45.99
Author: Gerhard Plenert
ISBN: 1138626163 / 9781138626164
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
A facility-wide improvement initiative is expensive in terms of both time and money. Perhaps the most disappointing thing about them is that they often end up as temporary measures that may produce ...
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List Price: £ 46.99
Author: Mitchell Kusy
ISBN: 1138303267 / 9781138303263
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
You have likely heard stories from friends, family members, and colleagues who quit a job because of a toxic person—an individual who belittles, shames, humiliates, shames, or bullies. You may...
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List Price: £ 28.99
Author: Javier Villalba-Diez
ISBN: 1138069272 / 9781138069275
Year: 2017
Availability: Out of Stock
The most complex organization known in the universe is inside of our heads: our brain. Because organizations are formed by human beings, The Lean Brain Theory aims to mimic human brain structure and...
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Author: Yacob Khojasteh
ISBN: 1138032212 / 9781138032217
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Inventory control is an essential task in production management. An effective inventory control can significantly reduce the holding cost and hence, total production cost. Selecting and implementing...
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List Price: £ 41.99
Author: Paul Lillrank, Vijai Kumar Singh
ISBN: 1138032263 / 9781138032262
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The planning and design of healthcare facilities has evolved over the previous decades from "function follows design" to "design follows function." Facilities stressed the functions of healthcare pr...
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List Price: £ 62.99
Author: Gilmore Crosby
ISBN: 1138297429 / 9781138297425
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Leadership is poorly understood because human systems are poorly understood. Like the "flat earth" theory of old, modern work culture is limited by a paradigm in which problems are understood as "cl...
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List Price: £ 36.99
Author: Nathan William Tierney
ISBN: 0367735660 / 9780367735661
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
"Nathan Tierney’s powerful storytelling is rarely seen in today’s health care business environment. We must redesign the health care delivery system---a team sport in service of patients...
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List Price: £ 32.99
Author: Mark A. Vonderembse
ISBN: 1138032530 / 9781138032538
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
While many students, parents, educators, and organizations who hire their graduates hold US universities in high regard, the cost of higher education has risen much faster than the rate of inflation...
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List Price: £ 69.99
Author: Javier Giron Blanco, Torsten Dederichs
ISBN: 1138732370 / 9781138732377
Year: 2017
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The book is about applying Lean manufacturing principles to industrial maintenance in order to improve the efficiency and be able to do more with the same (or less) resources. By industrial maintena...
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List Price: £ 36.99
Author: Crispin Piney
ISBN: 1032476591 / 9781032476599
Year: 2023
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
No one can disagree that benefits are good things. Whether you are responsible for projects, programs, or portfolios, you are increasingly expected to think—and act—in an appropriate ben...
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List Price: £ 43.99
Author: James B. Ayers, Mary Ann Odegaard
ISBN: 1032178965 / 9781032178967
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Retail supply chain consists of multiple segments from sales to distribution to finance. Retail manufacturers rely on a complicated web of suppliers. Customer demand and market competition today req...
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